Cost Estimate and Accounting in ERP
February 12, 2025
The trade war between China and America seems to be getting worse every day. When negotiations between Trump and Xi Jinping were happening, the entire world was waiting with bated breath. A stalemate seemed like the most likely outcome, and that seemed to be the best result that all the concerned parties could have hoped […]
The FIFA World Cup is an international sporting event. This event is held every four years. However, the host country changes every time. Countries have to bid against each other in order to win the rights to host the next World Cup. Many economists have questioned this practice. However, none have been able to find […]
Any Importer wishing to bring in cargo into the country may do so through air, ship, and road or multi modal transport. Every import consignment is required to be deposited by the transportation agency or the freight forwarder into the Customs Designated Bonded warehouse for Customs Clearance. Customs Clearance is facilitated by Customs Clearance Agent […]
Business Process Improvement projects are ideally suited for every business operation, especially to augment the process efficiency, to implement process changes and to take the business operations to the next level and meet with the Business demands and Customer expectations. For any BPI project to be successful, the leadership and the ownership of the Business […]
Introduction A successful organization is built on satisfied and trained employees. They are the company’s greatest assets. Employee development is defined as formal education, on-the-job training, previous job experience, personality mapping, and improvement in the current skill sets as to prepare the employee for future. A trained and developed staff will contribute to productivity increase, […]
During 1990s’, the popular method of exchanging information between trading partners were Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and all major ERP vendors added EDI facilities to their products. However, EDI did not achieve its desired outcome as each organization needs its customized EDI (to account for its unique data format), high set up cost (requiring privately run Value Added Network) and little cohesion or standardization. A majority of organizations did not use EDI functionality while implementing their ERP systems.
The advent of the internet and intranet technologies since mid 1990s’ saw the exponential growth of electronic commerce (e-commerce). E-commerce involved buying of goods through the internet (comprising of advertising need, issue invitation to tender, reverse auction, etc.), selling of goods through the internet (comprising electronic auction, publishing electronic catalogues) and handle related processes electronically such as receive invoice, making payment, monitoring performance.
Response of ERP vendors: ERP vendors were not agile to quickly respond to the changing need where customers and suppliers, wanted information, contained in the backend ERP system, for effective collaboration, better information flow and minimizing cost across the supply chain. Customers demanded supply status, billing information, warranty compliance over the web whereas suppliers wanted online information on inventory, supply schedule, and payment status.
ERP products have rigid architecture, and any modification/ development requires complex coding and developing a link between backend ERP with front end web based e-commerce, was a challenging task.
ERP vendors responded to this challenge by their effort to enable their product. They have developed some functionality in-house but also used/ acquired third party products such as storefront. They have developed new workflows encompassing vendors, customers, shippers, distributors, and bankers. They have made these workflows web enabled by adopting open standards such as Java and XML.
Another challenge faced by the ERP vendors for web enabling their product was security issues relating to e-commerce transactions, which are carried out by Virtual Private Network (VPN) over internet backbone. They have to adopt authentication tools such as electronic signatures and digital certificates, Secured Electronic Transactions (SET) and confidentiality through symmetric key encryption/ public key cryptography.
E-commerce transactions can be broadly classified under e-procurement and e-selling particularly under the context of business to business transactions. Some details under these classifications are given below:
E-Procurement - A typical e-procurement requirement of an organization is depicted below:
For meeting the above requirement, ERP vendors carried out integration of web based front end with generation of demand (planning module), preparation of Purchase Order (procurement module), receiving of goods (warehouse module), payment (account payable module), dealt by back-end ERP system.
E-Sales - The biggest change that has been brought by e- commerce in respect of selling and marketing of goods is creating a new sales channel based on the web. This has impacted retail sectors in a big way through increased sales, expanded market reach including overseas market, improved customer loyalty, and reduction of transaction cost.
E-sales enhance value in respect of following business process:
For meeting the above requirements, integration of web system with back-end ERP system was done. Before order acceptance, ATP (Available to Promise) status of the item is verified from planning module. For quoting price, dispatching of good and receiving of payment, sales, warehousing, and accounts receivable modules of ERP system are interrelated.
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