The COSO Framework for Internal Control
February 12, 2025
The value at risk (VaR) model has several advantages, which is why it is used widely in different parts of the world. However, the model also has some very distinct disadvantages. The existence of these disadvantages does not mean that the model should not be used. It is still one of the best tools at […]
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Virtual team environment is characterized by uncertainty, fluid membership and task complexity. It is not easy for everyone to be productive and efficient in the specific demands of virtual environment. Those, whose performance is dependent on the significant workplace structure, are unable to deliver at their full potential in virtual settings. For a successful virtual […]
Public administration is like any other administration which is carried out in public interest. Before we dwell deeper into understanding public administration it would be beneficial to try and see how different authors have tried to define what administration is. Marx defines administration as – Administration is determined action taken in pursuit of a conscious […]
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The general public is not very fond of the financial services industry. Whenever any crisis breaks out, the financial services industry is one of the first ones to bear the brunt. The fact that AIG, which is one of the largest insurance companies in the world, needed a bailout during the 2008 crisis does not help. The fact of the matter is that any government help to the financial services industry is viewed by the general public as cronyism. This is the reason why it is important for insurance companies to ensure that their companies are managed properly and hence never in need of a bailout.
Insurance regulators all over the world have become increasingly strict over time. The scope of insurance regulation has drastically expanded over the years. In this article, we will have a closer look at how the insurance regulation has changed over the ages.
When insurance regulation started, price regulation was their one and only objective. The regulators wanted to ensure that the insurance companies are not charging undue rates to the customers. This is the reason why in many places of the world, the insurance rates had to be first sent to the regulator for approval, before they were offered to the general public.
Even today, regulators all the world require that insurance companies notify them about changes in rates. The insurance company has to provide a detailed explanation including financial proof explaining the deterioration of the insurer’s loss that has prompted the change in rates.
However, now the rules are much more lenient. For instance, insurers only need approval, if the rates are going to increase or decrease more than a certain percentage. Also, insurers can start offering the product to the public while simultaneously sending the proposal to the regulator.
In many parts of the world, insurance regulators have started overlooking the entire process of price regulation. This means that they assume that the markets are competitive. Since no single insurance company or a group of insurance companies can control the market, they believe that there is no need for government regulation on pricing of insurance policies.
Price regulation still exists in many parts of the world. However, after the 2008 AIG financial crisis, regulators have started focusing their attention on other areas.
Unfettered competition maybe desirable as far as the reduction of prices in the insurance industry is concerned. However, it also needs to be understood that in many cases competition can be harmful to the industry.
Firstly, it needs to be understood that insurance is a product which is based on trust. To some extent contracts can determine how insurance companies will act in certain events. However, trust still plays a big role in the process. This is the reason why a strong framework for reinforcing that trust is put into place.
Insurance regulators have created special cells that look at cases of mis-selling and other unethical behaviours.
The bottom line is that the regulation of insurance companies has come a long way. In the beginning, distortion of prices was the only concern. However, now, the markets have matured and because of competition, price regulation is not a priority. Hence, the focus has now shifted to consumer protection.
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