Change Management and Organizations
February 12, 2025
The Paradox of the Indian Healthcare Sector For a country that prides itself on being a welfare state that looks after its many poor and underprivileged citizens, India spends surprisingly less on healthcare as a percentage of GDP or Gross Domestic Product than other developing and developed countries. Indeed, India is among the countries with […]
Business Process Improvement projects are ideally suited for every business operation, especially to augment the process efficiency, to implement process changes and to take the business operations to the next level and meet with the Business demands and Customer expectations. For any BPI project to be successful, the leadership and the ownership of the Business […]
Business Process Improvement programs are an effective way of overhauling the business operations, of improving the efficiency, of bringing in change in the operations and lastly in enhancing the benchmark of the Business offering of the product or service to the Customer. In the fast changing business environment marked by technological advances, shortening lifecycle of […]
Introduction 21st century has been defined by application of and advancement in information technology. Information technology has become an integral part of our daily life. According to Information Technology Association of America, information technology is defined as “the study, design, development, application, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems.” Information technology has served as […]
Trade Wars and Zero Sum Thinking The ongoing trade wars between the United States, on one hand, and the rest of its trading partners, including China, Canada, and the EU or the European Union stem from a basic misinterpretation of global trade in Zero Sum terms or I win, You Lose kind of thinking. As […]
In any Organization, the BPI initiative to be a success would need to be first understood and owned as well as sponsored by the leadership. The leadership here includes mainly the business unit leaders who become the main sponsors of the BPI program. It is important for the Leaders to understand why BPI is required to be implanted in the Organization, how it is going to help them and how to go about with implementation of the program. More importantly they own the program and they would need to make provisions for the required resources and budgets to ensure that the program is successful.
With the above understanding the BPI program should kick off with a Management meeting or workshop and an Executive Implementation Team comprising of the leadership and management should be formed. At this stage it is very important to run the entire management through a detailed presentation about BPI in terms of concept, methodology and the results. The management team needs to be oriented to manage and look at their business from a process point of view and not from an Organizational point of view.
Executive Implementation Team (EIT) team has a very important and larger role to play in the success of BPI program in the Organization. Some of the key responsibilities and functions of EIT may be listed down as under:
It is the Business Unit heads and the senior management who are navigating the Organization in the direction envisaged. They are the ones who are in tune with the markets, are able to assess the future trends and outline the areas where the Organization needs to change in order to meet the external challenges as well as to improve the interface with the Customer. Therefore the EIT team comprising of the Business unit heads and senior management are in a position design and take the Organization to the next level keeping in line with the vision set using BPI initiatives. Once they taste the success of BPI program and the resultant benefits that accrue, then it becomes a habit with the management to use BPI as a tool to edge the Organization forward and strive to reach higher benchmark at all times.
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