Benefits of Job Rotation
February 12, 2025
‘People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well neither does bathing – that is why we recommend it daily’ said Zig zagler. One of the strong objections to the usefulness of training is that the impact of training programs doesn’t last longer and that employees get back to older ways of doing things sooner. This […]
What is Lobbying and What do the Lobbyists do? We often read about the terms, lobbying, and lobbyists, being used in the mainstream media and the business press. Most of us also read about how lobbyists have influenced the outcome of a particular policy or how they have succeeded in convincing lawmakers and elected representatives […]
A lot has been found and discussed about how the world’s best companies to work for build strong employer brands and attract great talent in the developed markets. We have talked endlessly about how these companies make themselves so appealing that people from across the world, irrespective of their diverse backgrounds, cultures and preferences. However, […]
Organizations which wish to attract the best of talents and retain employees across all levels must have an integrated approach to talent management. According to latest survey findings from Accenture High Performance Report, about 85% senior executives view talent management as a major competitive differentiator for attracting and retaining skilled workforce and developing the highly […]
Employee engagement has been linked with almost every aspect of management in some or other form. Although there are not enough evidences to support a direct relationship between them but several factors show that they are indirectly connected with each other. In the same way, the hygiene and motivation factors have also been associated with […]
A well defined job will make the job interesting and satisfying for the employee. The result is increased performance and productivity. If a job fails to appear compelling or interesting and leads to employee dissatisfaction, it means the job has to be redesigned based upon the feedback from the employees.
Broadly speaking the various factors that affect a job design can classified under three heads. They are:
Organizational factors that affect job design can be work nature or characteristics, work flow, organizational practices and ergonomics.
Environmental factors affect the job design to a considerable extent. These factors include both the internal as well as external factors. They include factors like employee skills and abilities, their availability, and their socio economic and cultural prospects.
Behavioural factors or human factors are those that pertain to the human need and that need to be satisfied for ensuring productivity at workplace. They include the elements like autonomy, diversity, feedback etc. A brief explanation of some is given below:
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