Corporate Reputation Management in the Post Truth Era and the Age of Fake News
February 12, 2025
Introduction: Why Should Firms and Nations Invest in Human, Social, and Intellectual Capital We often hear economists and management experts exhorting nations and firms to invest in human, social, and intellectual capital. these calls range from asking governments to set aside substantial amounts of money to educate and skill the workforce as well as asking […]
In the dynamic world of product management, understanding the nuances of the Product Life Cycle is not just rewarding but key to success. PLC is a step-by-step guide that helps manage a product right from its idea stage to phasing out the product. For the product manager, this is the map that ensures optimization of […]
Ever since we stepped into internet world, we find a sea of change in the way people buy, communicate and socialize with one another. Internet has succeeded in erasing the boundaries and bringing markets together. Today it is possible for one to sit in the comfort of his home or office and search for information […]
Consumer behaviour deals with the study of buying behaviour of consumers. Consumer behaviour helps us understand why and why not an individual purchases goods and services from the market. There are several factors which influence the buying decision of consumers, cultural factors being one of the most important factors. What are Cultural Factors ? Cultural […]
Introduction The concept of knowledge as the founding block for attaining competitive advantage has become quite prevalent in Management studies. All knowledge should begin form a piece of information. For the conversion of information into knowledge there is a critical aspect to be noted. This is related to the timing of the retrieval of information. […]
The business landscape of the 21st century is littered with companies that have failed to keep abreast of the changing trends, ideas and the pace of technological change. In this context it is important more than ever for corporates to practice good corporate governance since an approach that is fair and ethical as well as transparent is likely to lead to greater productivity than an approach that favors short term profits and encourages cutting corners. Hence, it is pertinent to look at some of the factors that drive corporate behavior from the perspective of good corporate governance.
In recent decades, the business paradigm has shifted somewhat with corporates now engaging in some measure of socially and environmentally responsible behavior to reflect the changing times. However, it is by no means certain that the corporations have abandoned their relentless search for profits as can be seen from the spate of corporate scandals involving unethical and illegal business practices.
What is clear from the preceding discussion is that among the various factors that direct corporate behavior, the one underlying or common theme is that the interaction of markets and market players often dictates the outcome more than anything else. The prevailing view that markets know best has somewhat been challenged in recent years. Hence, more than ever, there is a need for corporates to rise to the occasion and present solutions instead of finger pointing and indulging in blame games.
Finally, corporates exist within the ecosystem of the market and hence what moves the market moves them as well. So, the factors that direct corporate behavior are often found in the market ecosystem that is prevalent in a particular country of region.
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