Conjoint Analysis – Meaning, Usage and its Limitations
February 12, 2025
Consultative selling has gained global acceptance as the most effective sales process and has now been adopted by all industries and organizations from insurance to hotels, from airlines to hospitals including industrial, retain and all other sectors of business. Organizations have realized the need to be customer centric and build customer relationship to be centric […]
Brand knowledge comprises of brand awareness and brand image contribute to establishing of customer based brand equity. The process is gradual and requires in-depth understanding of consumer mind. Connection between brand and consumer leads to long term partnership and loyalty. And, continued support to marketing efforts of the company. So when a company is trying […]
Simply put, E Commerce is ‘Using Electronic Platform for Business Transactions’. It is also called a ‘Virtual Market Place’. Every minute millions of people from all over the world are logging into the Internet looking for some information, for product, services, to look for news, download music, for online shopping and so on. Every individual […]
What are BAU or Business As Usual Strategies and how do they Work? Business as Usual or BAU strategies and action plans are meant to keep vital organizational functions and processes up and running even in times of extreme events that disrupt the other functions. This is especially the case when such functions and processes […]
For maintaining customers’ loyalty it is very important by organizations to track their loyalty. Following are the two methods of tracking customer loyalty: Loyalty tracking on time scale: Loyalty can be tracked on linear time scale. This includes preparing time scale graph which shows the loyalty trend of customers in accordance to time. The graph […]
Focus groups are also known as group interviews or group discussions. They are used to understand the attitude or behaviour of the audience.
Six to twelve individuals are selected and either one or two moderators (those who lead the discussions) are selected. If there are two moderators, they will adopt opposite positions. It is the moderator who introduces the topic.
Discussion is controlled through these moderators. The group is watched from adjacent rooms. There are various devices which are used to record these discussions.
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