Commonly Used Terms in Derivative Market
February 12, 2025
STRIP is an acronym that is commonly used to denote Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of securities. This is a complex-sounding term however, in reality, the meaning is quite simple. It is important to understand that when we buy a bond that pays regular coupon payments, we are actually buying the right to […]
The modern banking system is considerably different from what the average person believes it to be. Banks are not institutional moneylenders. They do not simply collect money from people and lend them to others. Instead, banks in the modern world have the power to create money when they lend it out. The process by which […]
Asset bubbles have always been a testimony to the bizarre things that humans can accomplish when they abandon their own rational thinking and a herd mentality sets in. However, the case in point of the first asset bubble in recorded history i.e. the tulip mania brings this to light. The sheer absurdity of the situation […]
Fixed assets i.e. property, plant and equipment represent the single largest investment any company makes in its operations. It is therefore important that a company keeps a close eye on whether these investments are performing well and generating adequate revenue and profit to justify the expenditure. While it is impossible to come up with a […]
Now, since we are aware that there are actually multiple models that can be used to value any given company or asset, the next question that arises is which one should we use? How do we know whether a given valuation model is more appropriate for a given company than the others? The answer is […]
Hedge funds are often looked upon as being unethical in their practices. This is partly because there is public outrage about the amount of money that some of the fund managers are able to earn as income even though they are supposedly causing systemic crisis. The fact that the names of hedge fund managers have come up in several scandals further accentuates this negative perception. In this article we will have a look at how hedge funds take care of their fiduciary duties. We will also look at some examples of possible conflicts of interest for the hedge funds.
Each and every hedge fund has a fiduciary duty towards its investors. This means that it is supposed to disclose all material and relevant information which may harm the interests of the investors putting their money in these funds. Therefore, even though hedge funds do not fall under the purview of most laws pertaining to investment securities, they can still be prosecuted for hiding information. Such hiding of information amounts to misrepresentation in a contract.
Cases wherein investors have been cheated by the hedge fund management have been reportedly presented for trial in the American judiciary system. Some of the common conflicts of interest are as follows:
The point is that this arrangement puts one investor or group of investors at a significant advantage compared to the other groups. This is called a side letter and should not be done secretly and without the consent of other investors. Hedge funds are required by law to disclose such conflicts of interest to potential investors.
It would be fair to say that hedge funds as an industry are victims to the perception that has been created by some unethical managers. More often than not, hedge funds are run in a perfectly legal and ethical way. However, the occasional news article creates a bigger impression on the minds of the general population and the entire industry gets a bad name.
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