Current Employment Trends and Their Implications for Business, Society, and Individuals
February 12, 2025
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In these tough economic times, layoffs have become common in the United States and in Europe and the trend is spreading to all over the world. Therefore, the chances of being laid off from your job are increasing and hence, there a few things to do if you are laid off from your job. First […]
Automating the Recruitment Activities and Tasks Much of the work that the HR Function does is routine and repetitive in nature. Starting with the recruitment process, including training and development, as well as performance management, the work that the HR does consists of manual and routine tasks that can be automated and hence, save time […]
HRM Best Practices in Contemporary Organizations Contemporary Organizations embrace a variety of HRM or Human Resource Management Practices. These include mandatory leaves, weekends off, variable pay, company provided transport, fun and entertainment activities, handsome bonuses as well as subsidized food and other aspects. Western Transnational corporations first introduced these practices in response to the emerging […]
Open-mindedness is another name of liberalism or progressiveness. But here in the context of Group discussion, open-mindedness is being directly referred to the traits which make you a good employee in an organization.
Being open minded means that you are willing to listen to others views and have the mindset to learn without being biased about someone or something. Some of us are biased about our self.
We sometimes tend to become so self-obsessed or self-absorbed that we outrightly deny or reject the possibility of others being right. Open mindedness is yet another trait that is generally being judged while conducting group discussions amongst candidates.
Let us understand how and through which personality traits a candidate’s open-mindedness can be judged:
Understanding the difference between good and bad, ethical and unethical, negative and positive is a valuable skill set which is appreciated in many organizations.
Rather people who are proactive and ensure that they perform beyond what is expected out of them are the ones who exhibit their open-minded behavior through their action. They do not follow the traditional path but also walk an extra mile to achieve their objectives.
Open minded employees usually gel well with other co-workers and can help sustaining a positive environment within the organization.
In today’s times, workplaces are quite varied. People from different cultural, religion and diverse background come together to work under one roof. In such scenario, open-mindedness plays a very vital role for an employee.
Organizations give an opportunity to work on broad and extensive projects, where none might need to work with diverse teams from a different background. Willingness to work, learn and try new things and taking up new challenges not only motivates you as an employee but also creates a right place for yourself within the organization.
To work in a team together, one has to be open-minded to listen to others and co-operate with them. Without a sense of team spirit, no team can find success. If members of the team are unprejudiced, they can together perform a task well and find a better solution to a particular problem.
Hence an employee should be open to any kind of change within the organization. Every situation teaches something or the other. This does not mean that you accept anything and everything even it is not serving you anymore. It means that any new opportunity to learn should be openly taken up.
One should not nurture the feeling of superiority during a discussion. Rather if there is an opportunity where you can learn from others, take it open-heartedly. But at the same time, do not become a mindless robot that has no opinion and just works and lives on others views.
Open-mindedness can also be termed as a non-judgmental approach towards people and life. During a discussion, one should not presume anything in their mind for their co-participants in the discussion. Listen to them, put your points forth and then draw a conclusion.
A broad mind will listen to others, understand it, know the crux of it and accordingly mold the topic or discussion towards a better conclusion.
Hence, concluding the topic, we can say that open-mindedness is an essential mindset for transforming views and experiences. This is also an important trait that employers look forward in an employee. In a group discussion, these skills are closely checked and judged by judgment panel for further decision making.
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