Cultural Levels and Business
February 12, 2025
From Oxcart to Wal-Mart As more and more international retailers make a beeline for emerging markets like India, China, Nigeria, Mexico, and other markets, it is important for these retailers to embrace the chaos and duality that is inherent to these markets. For instance, in India, more than 95% of the retail market is dominated […]
There is no philosophy in the management domain which has not been criticized. The strategic financial management philosophy is no exception. Although it has been proven that there are numerous benefits to implementing this framework of decision making, there are some associated costs as well. This is because of the various disadvantages that accompany the […]
Technology has started impacting all businesses. The restaurant business is no different. Earlier, restaurants used to be low tech and were businesses which were run by moms and pops. However, now restaurants have gone high tech. Several innovations are now part of the restaurant model. The “Cloud-Kitchen” is one such innovation. In this article, we […]
There are several factors which affect the buying decision of the customers. Let us go through them one by one: Store Display and Presentation of Products The store display plays an important role in influencing the buying decision of the customers. It is the display of the store which attracts passing individuals into the store. […]
Any Importer wishing to bring in cargo into the country may do so through air, ship, and road or multi modal transport. Every import consignment is required to be deposited by the transportation agency or the freight forwarder into the Customs Designated Bonded warehouse for Customs Clearance. Customs Clearance is facilitated by Customs Clearance Agent […]
Integrated Marketing Communication tools refer to integrating various marketing tools such as advertising, online marketing, public relation activities, direct marketing, sales campaigns to promote brands so that similar message reaches a wider audience. Products and services are promoted by effectively integrating various brand communication tools.
To implement integrated marketing communication, it is essential for the organizations to communicate effectively with the clients. You need to know how your products or services would benefit your end-users. The more effectively you promote your brand, the more demand would it have in the market. Identify your target audience. Remember, not everyone would need your product. Understand why would an individual invest in your brand unless and until you have something unique and interesting to offer? The benefits of the brand need to be communicated effectively.
Let us go through various integrated marketing communication tools: Integrated marketing communication effectively integrates all modes of brand communication and uses them simultaneously to promote various products and services among customers effectively and eventually yield higher revenues for the organization.
Advertising is one of the most effective ways of brand promotion. Advertising helps organizations reach a wider audience within the shortest possible time frame. Advertisements in newspaper, television, Radio, billboards help end-users to believe in your brand and also motivate them to buy the same and remain loyal towards the brand. Advertisements not only increase the consumption of a particular product/service but also create brand awareness among customers. Marketers need to ensure that the right message reaches the right customers at the right time. Be careful about the content of the advertisement, after all you are paying for every second.
Brands (Products and services) can also be promoted through discount coupons, loyalty clubs, membership coupons, incentives, lucrative schemes, attractive packages for loyal customers, specially designed deals and so on. Brands can also be promoted effectively through newspaper inserts, danglers, banners at the right place, glorifiers, wobblers etc.
Direct marketing enables organizations to communicate directly with the end-users. Various tools for direct marketing are emails, text messages, catalogues, brochures, promotional letters and so on. Through direct marketing, messages reach end-users directly.
Personal selling is also one of the most effective tools for integrated marketing communication. Personal selling takes place when marketer or sales representative sells products or services to clients. Personal selling goes a long way in strengthening the relationship between the organization and the end-users.
Personal selling involves the following steps:
Public relation activities help promote a brand through press releases, news, events, public appearances etc.The role of public relations officer is to present the organization in the best light.
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