Changing Organizational Culture
February 12, 2025
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The work culture represents the ideologies, principles, policies and beliefs of the organization. The individual’s style of working, his behaviour and ways of interaction also contribute to the culture of the organization.
There are several reasons which lead to a change in the organization culture. Change in management, poor financial conditions, revisions in goals and targets bring a change in the culture of the organization.
Accepting changes in the work culture is the toughest thing to do for an employee. Not all employees can happily adapt to organizational changes.
Employees need time to cope up with a new culture. Miracles can’t happen overnight and habits do not change all of a sudden. The employees must spend some time to understand and adjust to the new culture.
One should work with an open mind and willingly accept things. Don’t always crib as it leads to no solution. The employees must try their level best to accept the changes with a smile and work accordingly. One should never be in a rush. The management must also give time to the employees for them to gel with the new culture. Don’t pressurize anyone to accept changes all of a sudden.
The employees must design new strategies, new plan of actions and policies to meet the new challenges. Try to find out the exact reasons for the change. The ideas which were successful earlier might now fall out of place. One should not be adamant. Sit with your team leader, discuss all possible options and try to implement something which would work best in the new culture and benefit you as well as your organization.
An employee must change his behaviour and thought process as per the culture. It is essential to be flexible. Being adaptable at the workplace always pays in the long run. Remember everything happens for the best. One should always try to look at the positive aspects of life rather than cribbing on things which are beyond anyone’s control.
Janet worked with an organization of repute. Her organization followed a culture where the employees never reached office on time. There were no strict rules and regulations for the employees. Janet found her work culture very comfortable as there was no pressure on her to reach work on time.
Very soon her organization hired someone from its competitor to take charge of the organization. He made several changes in the work culture, the first and the foremost being fixed timings for all the emloyees.Everyone irrespective of the designation had to reach office on time. All the employees had to adhere to the guidelines and policies of the organization.
Janet found it very difficult to adjust to the new culture. She could not accept the sudden change in the work culture, cribbed amongst her fellow workers and found her work as a burden.
Janet happily accepted the change and tried her level best to adjust to it.She was intelligent enough to understand that after all the change was for the benefit of the organization. She got up little early everyday and reached office on time. She gave her best everyday and won the appreciation of her superiors as well as the management.
Which situation do you feel is better ?
Obviously Situation B
One should always remember that a little change in one’s behaviour can make the organization a better place to work.
Few tips to adjust to the changing organization culture.
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