Cognitive Psychology
February 12, 2025
The military application of drones is well known across the entire world. However, of late, civilian and commercial applications of drones have also started growing by leaps and bounds. For instance, Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon has been very vocal about his desire to use drones for order fulfillment. Similarly, there are many other […]
Incentive is an act or promise for greater action. It is also called as a stimulus to greater action. Incentives are something which are given in addition to wagers. It means additional remuneration or benefit to an employee in recognition of achievement or better work. Incentives provide a spur or zeal in the employees for […]
These days, the importance of Human Resource Management can not be neglected especially when companies are operating in such a volatile and unstable environment. The department plays a vital role in risk management. Needless to say, handling people is one of the most difficult tasks in the world and human resource department of any company […]
Terrorism is a grave risk that is being faced by the entire world. When an event related to terrorism occurs, the losses faced by certain individuals or groups of individuals are catastrophic. The loss of human life is an obvious and sad outcome of terrorist attacks. However, the financial losses can also be significant. Increased […]
Virtual team environment is characterized by uncertainty, fluid membership and task complexity. It is not easy for everyone to be productive and efficient in the specific demands of virtual environment. Those, whose performance is dependent on the significant workplace structure, are unable to deliver at their full potential in virtual settings. For a successful virtual […]
The concept of Attention is studied in Cognitive Psychology with focus on explaining how we process the environmental information with the help of our sensory receptors.
The term attention is used for various perceptual processes, which involves selection and inclusion of certain sensory inputs as a part of our conscious experience. The process of attention involves the very act of listening and concentrating on a specific object, topic or event, for fulfilling the desired goals.
Attention is a process, which does not only involve focusing or concentrating on one thing, but it is equally concerned about ignoring the competing stimuli or information which is available in the environment.
Attention allows a person to “tune out” the less relevant information, perception or sensation for that moment and instead focus more or prioritize more on the information which is more relevant.
Attention improves our concentration or consciousness on a selective object only, which helps in improving the clarity or focus on the object which is being perceived.
Attention cannot be simply regarded to be a cognitive process only, as it is also influenced by emotions, attitude, interest and memory.
The process of attention takes place through our cognitive abilities, but the behavioural and emotional factors help in the selection of the relevant information or stimuli from the environment for focusing one’s consciousness around one event or thing for having a clear perception.
Classification of Attention by Ross: According to Ross, attention can be classified into Non-Volitional (Involuntary attention) and Volitional (Voluntary attention).
Attention can further be categorized on the basis of needs or circumstances which we may be faced with:
Attention can be influenced by both external and internal factors.
External Factors: These are the factors which are external in nature and are usually governed by the characteristics of the stimuli. These external factors could be related to the nature of the stimuli, the intensity as well as the size of the stimuli, the degree to which contrast, variety or change is present in the stimuli.
The extent to which the exposure to a stimulus is repeated will, also determine the strength of the attention. Moreover, a stimulus which is in a state of motion will be able to catch our attention more quickly than a stationery one.
Internal (Subjective) factors: The subjective factors which influence attention are interests, motive, mind set and our attitudes & moods. It is believed that interest is the mother of attention, as we pay attention or focus on those objects about which we have interest.
Similarly, our needs or motives equally govern our attention for specific events or objects. Moreover, the mental readiness of a person to respond to certain stimuli or preparedness will also determine the attention level for that person.
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