Current Trends in Talent Management
February 12, 2025
What Are Employment Contracts ? Employment contracts are covenants between the employer and the employee which provide the basis and the terms and conditions for the employment relationship. Employment Contracts usually state how much salary would be paid, what the perks are, the nature of the employment relation, the basis for firing when the employee […]
An organization can’t survive if the top performers quit. It needs employees who are loyal and work hard with full dedication to achieve the organization’s objective. It is essential for the management to retain its valuable employees who think in favour of the organization and contribute their level best. An employee who spends a longer […]
Assessment Center An assessment center is basically a series of assessments carried out using several techniques like simulation, psychometric test and exercises to take critical decisions like selective or rejecting a candidate for recruitment, for promotions and appraisals etc. There are some basic considerations for running an assessment centers which is again the corporate adaptation […]
What is an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem? All of us are endowed with skills, abilities, and capabilities. However, the reason why some of us are so successful whereas others languish is mainly due to the way in which these traits are nurtured, encouraged, and enabled. For instance, we need to go to the right schools, have supportive […]
Employee development activities refer to initiatives taken by organization and employees to enhance their skills with time and keep themselves acquainted with the latest developments. Human resource professionals play an essential role in employee development activities. Human resource professionals play an essential role in creating a culture in organization where every employee takes trainings and […]
Talent management can be a discipline as big as the HR function itself or a small bunch of initiatives aimed at people and organization development.
Different organizations utilize talent management for their benefits. This is as per the size of the organization and their belief in the practice.
It could just include a simple interview of all employees conducted yearly, discussing their strengths and developmental needs. This could be utilized for mapping people against the future initiatives of the company and for succession planning.
There are more benefits that are wide ranged than the ones discussed above. The benefits are:
The skill or competency mapping allows you to take stock of skill inventories lying with the organization. This is especially important both from the perspective of the organization as well as the employee because the right person is deployed in the right position and employee productivity is increased. Also since there is a better alignment between an individual’s interests and his job profile the job satisfaction is increased.
The focus is now on charting employee retention programs and strategies to recruit, develop, retain and engage quality people. Employee growth in a career has to be taken care of, while succession planning is being performed those who are on the radar need to be kept in loop so that they know their performance is being rewarded.
Apart from this having a strong talent management culture also determines how organization rate their organizations as work places. In addition if employees are positive about the talent management practices of the organization, they are more likely to have confidence in the future of their organization. The resultant is a workforce that is more committed and engaged determined to outperform their competitors and ensure a leadership position in the market for their organization.
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