Co-branding – Meaning, Types and Advantages and Disadvantages
February 12, 2025
What Are Green Supply Chains and what is meant By Net Zero and Carbon Footprint? With concerns over climate change mounting and with the global push towards sustainability and the commitments to Net Zero carbon emissions in the near future, businesses have to look for ways and means to incorporate environmentally friendly practices in their […]
Some consider being Salesmanship to be an inborn trait as is Leadership. Some consider Salesmanship to be an Art. Then there are those who believe that anyone and everyone can be a Salesman with some training. Traditional concept of channel sales and retain sales as concepts are studied by every marketing and sales student. From […]
Various marketing intermediaries are used in transferring the products from the hands of producers to the final consumers or industrial users. These marketing intermediaries carry alternate names such as wholesalers, distributors, retailers, franchised dealers, jobbers, authorised dealers and agents. Such marketing intermediaries compromise the distribution channel. These distribution channels minimize the gap between point of […]
Introduction Organizational learning is the means by which organizations develop, enhance, and manage knowledge and standards within their functions and in their cultures and adjust and improve their efficiency by making better use of the wide range of skills of their employees. It is critical for modern day business organization. In the present dynamic condition […]
As the business environment is changing, the profile of the organizations as well as the way of conducting business is changing too. Use of technology and globalization has changed everything about business. Marketing is no longer what it used to be. Online marketing has changed the face of conventional marketing and both are incomparable by […]
Brand evokes the responses. There are many people who love their Apple iPod or love their car etc.
There are certain feelings that come to your mind when you think about your favorite brands. People expect that these brands should demonstrate brand promises every time whenever they are, encountered. Inconsistencies in the performance of services can lead to damage in further relations. This can cause a customer to select some other brand.
Brand promise is what you say to the customer and what is to be delivered. If you are not able to meet the expectations of the customer, your business will either flounder or die. If you are not able to deliver the brand promise you will not be able to meet the expectations that have been created in the customers mind.
There are three major mistakes that the business leaders make while executing and developing the brand promise:
For example, if you have a gourmet restaurant then the customers will have a image in their mind that it will different from the local restaurant. This is one of the major reason, why one should work for every smallest detail. For example, the image of a gourmet restaurant does not include plastic menus or paper placemats.
For example, a customers asks do you accept credit card? Do you accept all credit cards or only master card and visa? If you don’t accept these cards, does it make any difference in the cost? Its just that you are losing sales. Then what are the other services you are giving to the customer in place which is the attraction for the customers.
Any small inconvenience which will force the customer to say that “you are not completely service oriented” and encourages the customer to some other brand.
If your goal is to be a business leader you will invest time to train the staff. If you select a person who is very polite and does not even know how to dress up for an interview then you competition should send a thank you card for all the business you will send his way.
People who want to become the business leader understand they are a great product brands. They are authentic, dependable and reliable. Their icon is their name. Delivering the best of themselves is their brand promise. Do you want to become winner at working? Then, deliver the brand promise.
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