Common Barriers to the Successful Functioning of High-Performing Teams
February 12, 2025
The art of managing an emergency situation at the workplace through effective planning and quick action refers to crisis management. An unstable condition which leads to major disturbances at the workplace must be controlled immediately for effective functioning of the organization. Crisis Management helps the employees as well as organization to cope with difficult times […]
Climate change is a burning issue in 2022. There is not even an iota of doubt that climate change affects almost everyone in the world in one form or another. However, some industries are impacted more than others. The reinsurance industry is among the ones which are deeply impacted. Climate change has been identified as […]
Success Factors for Teams There are many factors that ensure a team’s success or failure. Among them, the three most important factors are: The nature of the leadership of the team along with a shared vision and sense of purpose The collaborative nature of the team; and The way in which the team members are […]
Performance appraisal is considered as a challenging task by many business managers. It becomes all the more daunting in case of virtual workplace. With the virtual team members distributed globally and coming from different cultures and backgrounds, it is important to ensure that the entire process of performance evaluation is perceived as fair and upright […]
The dissimilarity in the interests, thought processes, needs, attitudes of individuals result in a conflict. It is defined as a clash among individuals resulting in verbal disagreements, physical abuses and tensions. A conflict never provides any solution to a problem, instead it just worsens the situation. It leads to disrespect among individuals, hampers the productivity […]
Having goals or a clear purpose is important to each of us. In fact, people who set goals are always more successful than the others.
For leaders who are serious about setting goals, some things are to be kept in mind. These goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and with Timelines. Besides, for any organization, goals should also be expressed positively. And for a team, goals need to be personalized for each member of the team. All these goals should be put in writing, where you as well as the team can see them often.
Once you sit down with your team and set some goals, it can be very useful to develop some kind of action plan for accomplishing that goal.
The ability to really listen is a highly important skill. Each team member has to have it. Listening lets you understand what the other person is saying. Besides, it shows the other person that you’re interested in what he/she has to say. But all of us experience common listening problems.
We tend to let our attention wander. Our mind drifts away. We start thinking about the time, or other tasks at hand. This way we lose our concentration.
We miss the real point of what is being said. We may end up focusing on the personality of the speaker. Else we may let our judgment of the person based on past experiences come in the way. Or, we may be trying hard to look for hidden messages and lose out on the crux of the conversation.
Our emotions interfere with our judgment. This takes away our focus from what is being said. Our judgment of the person interferes with our understanding of what is being said.
We tend to interrupt and step on the statements of others. This way we don’t listen to what is being said. Besides, there is a tendency to think ahead to what we want to say next and miss out on what’s being said right now. It is important to use the steps of active listening in order to be a good listener.
There are many facets of building an effective team. Having an informal atmosphere as well as listening skills are some of them.
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