Challenges Faced by BPO Firms in India
February 12, 2025
Experts believe that the effects of Brexit will be varied in nature. What has happened now is a mere announcement of the intention of Britain to leave the European Union. However, the effects are not really seen. There are contradictory views about the possible outcomes. Some believe that the outcome will be catastrophic for Great […]
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Business Process Improvement exercise is undertaken by organizations to improve their operational efficiencies, to remove redundant processes, eliminate wastage as well as to adapt to customer expectations and thus augments its operations to meet with the expectations. BPI programs aim to bring about permanent changes to the processes through a sustained and planned implementation program. […]
In the past few years, technology companies have been driving the boom in the financial markets. The FAANG companies (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google) have seen their valuations increase by leaps and bounds. However, COVID-19 is causing a worldwide stock market collapse. It would be fair to say that the pandemic is not affecting […]
In recent years, the term Business Process Outsourcing or BPO has gained prominence and the trend of outsourcing back office operations to centers in India and Philippines along with other countries in Asia has taken center stage. Often, we come across projections that show a greater growth in BPO with more western firms outsourcing to the Asian and other countries.
This module is intended to cover the BPO phenomenon in depth and provide the readers with a clear understanding of the dynamics involved as far as this phenomenon is concerned.
The various articles in this module would help the readers form a perspective of how the BPO sector works and the business drivers and imperatives behind the outsourcing phenomenon.
Since wages in India and other Asian countries are cheap in Dollar terms which mean that for the same amount of money that the firms are paying their employees in the west, they can get a highly leveraged amount of work when they outsource to India and other Asian countries.
Because of these factors, there are humungous benefits for American and European countries to outsource their back office operations to companies in the East. This can take the form of captive companies set up for this purpose or can be a turnkey outsourcing to a vendor. We will explore these themes in greater detail in the succeeding articles.
In conclusion, it would be fair to say that the BPO phenomenon represents a turning of the tide as far as perceptions about the East are concerned and it is to the credit of Indian and other Asian countries that they have delivered stellar results to their outsourcing clients in the US and in Europe.
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