Current Employment Trends and Their Implications for Business, Society, and Individuals
February 12, 2025
The Evolution of the HR Function through the Decades Traditionally, Human Resources or HR was viewed as a support function whose primary role was to take care of payroll, time tracking, and disputes between the unions and the organizations. Indeed, in the manufacturing era, the term used for HR functions was personnel management and industrial […]
There is a certain way individuals behave in a particular situation. No two individuals behave in similar ways. There are individuals who find it difficult to handle stress whereas there are certain individuals who have the ability to face unforeseen circumstances with a smile. Employee behaviour is defined as an employee’s reaction to a particular […]
Employee Engagement has transcended from being the latest business buzzword to being recognized by organizations as a tool that positively influences business performance. This linkage between organization performance and employee engagement was researched by ISR in 2006 by means of world-wide survey. The ISR study reveals that companies with high engagement scores saw an increase […]
Employees Leave Managers Instead of Organizations due to Perceptions of Discrimination It is often the case that performance appraisals become the bone of contention between the managers and their subordinates due to differences over ratings and the resultant pay hikes and the quantum of bonuses. Indeed, it is quite common for employees to allege discrimination […]
Organizations are increasingly facing the heat of attrition, which is not good to health of the same. Money and resources are spent into training an individual for a particular job and when he/she leaves the return on that investment equals null. Often it is not for the money that people leave; that may be the […]
Career management is conscious planning of one’s activities and engagements in the jobs one undertakes in the course of his life for better fulfilment, growth and financial stability. It is a sequential process that starts from an understanding of oneself and encompasses occupational awareness.
An individual’s career is the sole source of one’s natural expression of self. One school of thought describes work as the purpose of life and the source of one’s expression and the purpose of being or existence. Yet others believe that there is a wide difference between an individual’s career and his/her life. In any case, career is an integral component of one’s life and therefore the need for its management.
Career management is more or less like the organisational management; after all an organisation is nothing but an assortment of individuals!
The process of career management begins with the formulation of goals and objectives those that are short term or meant to be achieved in the short run. This is a tedious task compared to a long term career goal which is more or visionary in nature. Since the objective is short term or immediate, it is more of action oriented. Second it demands achievement every day, every moment.
Again this step can be very difficult for those who are not aware of the opportunities available or are not completely conscious of their talents. However more specific, measurable and achievable the goals greater are the chances of the management plan bearing fruit.
Achievement of goal requires a well chalked strategy, which implies a plan of action to achieve the goal. This has to be followed by drafting or establishment of procedures/policies/norms or rules that govern action or practice.
The final step in the career management process is evaluation of the career management plan for ensuring that progress is being made or if there is a need to introduce some changes in the latter.
One may also utilize the services of various career assessment tests at various stages to choose career paths that are in tandem with ones likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. These tests range from ones that are small and brief to the ones that are exhaustive offering minute details. Some of the tests that one may like to undergo are MBTI (Myers and Briggs Type Indicator), SDI (Strength Deployment Inventory) and Multiple Intelligence among others.
The onus of career management is more on the individual self than the employer. Ensuring personal development in terms of skills, competencies, change in attitude with time are things one may need to take care of on one’s own. Short term goals need to met and evaluated.
The long term career goals need to be revised with the change in employment scenario and self; organisations may or may not be concerned in a big way or aligned to your priorities in career and life.
Often counselling is of major help in evaluating a job and the future prospects and for establishing clarity of values for they undergo a change with the passage of time!
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