Current Ratio – Formula, Meaning, Assumptions and Interpretations
February 12, 2025
Budgeting is the start of all financial planning. Till a person is not able to take full control of their most powerful wealth-building tool i.e. their income, they will not be able to obtain personal wealth. There are many different budgeting systems which are available in the market. There are also some mobile applications that […]
There is much more to the international financial system than what meets the eye. For instance, if you were to ask an average person about the parties involved in making a payment, very few will come up with the term clearinghouse. This is because they think about payers, payees, and even intermediaries. However, the concept […]
Businesses rely heavily on technology in order to obtain a competitive advantage. In today’s world, most successful companies have a technological advantage over their competitors. However, just like business strategy, the technological strategy also involves long-term decision-making. Technological advantages are not developed overnight. Instead, they are the result of decision-making over extended periods of time. […]
Sporting franchises are often said to be confused about what their objectives should be. One chain of thought believes that since they are businesses, their objectives should also be financial in nature. This means that their objectives should also be about profit maximization or wealth maximization. On the other hand, there is a different chain […]
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Cash Flow to Debt Ratio = Operating Cash Flow/Total Debt
The cash flow to debt ratio tells investors how much cash flow the company generated from its regular operating activities compared to the total debt it has. For instance if the ratio is 0.25, then the operating cash flow was one fourth of the total debt the company has on its books. This debt includes interest payments, principal payments and even lease payments to cover off balance sheet financing.
However, this may not be the case. Companies have access to a variety of financing schemes. Some of these schemes include interest only payments, bullet payments, balloon payments, negative amortization, so on and so forth. In such innovative amortization, there may be years when the company has to pay a lot of interest and other years when it has to pay none. Hence the present years figures may not be indicative of the future.
Earlier analysis used earnings because at that time credit periods were small or nonexistent and therefore earnings to some extent meant cash flow. However, with the proliferation of credit, the distinction has been widened.
A company may book earnings immediately and not receive cash for years on end. Thus creditors have their eyes set on cash flow ratios.
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