The business landscape of the 21st century is characterized by rapid change brought about due to technological, economic, political and social changes.
Articles on Change Management
This article discusses about The Need for Change Management and the role it plays in determining the success of an organization in the long run. Change is Inevitable and whether organizations like it, all have to manage change for achieving a leadership edge by planning and implementing an effective change management process. Due to the growing complexities in the business environment and increasing competition, organizations which are more responsive to change and flexible in approach, remain ahead in the competitive battle, rest end up as strugglers or as losers.
There are different kinds of change that an organization might undertake or be forced to undertake because of internal and external factors. Lets discuss the kinds of change and barriers to change.
This article highlights the factors which are common for both private sector as well as public sector for successful change management across the organization. Further, examples on the organizational success stories as well as failures are provided, for understanding the key processes involved in a change management programme.
Top Level Managers buy into the change from a strategic perspective where the accent is on performance and hence radical or disruptive change is seen as part and parcel of an organizations development. Lets discuss the detailed sets of approaches that can be used in order to overcome the barriers to change.
When any change programs is initiated in an organization, there is a level of resistance from senior managers due to reasons like - protecting their turfs to uncertainties regarding their position, ego clashes, power politics, etc.
The article under coverage describes the meaning of the phrase Resistance to Change and attempts to explore various reasons for resistance to change. An analytical interpretation is provided on various types of resistance to change and the possible outcomes on the organizational functioning.
This article attempts to analyze various individual as well as organizational sources of resistance to change and their impact on the successful implementation of change. Individual sources of change are the subjective factors, personal habits, inherent fear or inertia and perceptual factors which may act as barriers to implementation of organization-wide change. Organizational sources are directly linked with various organizational threats, resource limitations, inertia from the groups and shortage of availability of right competencies and expertise.
The article describes the various techniques for techniques for overcoming the resistance to change, the suitability of each technique as per the requirements of the circumstances and the relative advantages of these techniques.
The changes that the organizations introduced in during the phase of global financial crisis were systemic and fundamental in nature and hence there would be many reasons for people and employees to resist change.
We live in a world where increasing complexity is the order of the day. Change management in these cases becomes critical and not just necessary or essential.
We all hear of change and change agents in organizational, national, and international contexts. However, resistance to change is as natural as change itself and hence, change agents need to ensure that what they are attempting is grounded and well thought of and executed. This article examines some approaches that legendary change agents have embraced in pursuit of their vision and mission.
In this article we discuss in detail about the role of people who can act as catalysts in driving change.
How to create and sustain change by not losing the momentum ? This is the challenge that companies face in the contemporary world where your last performance matters more than anything else.
Change can be driven solely from the top. However, for continued success, change should come from within each employee and this can only happen when the organizational culture encourages each employee to contribute to the initiatives.
This article explains the relevance of communication in the process of change management. A description is provided on how communication may be a problem if top-down approach is adopted in change management process. Several aspects are captured in this article which offers a clear understanding of the limitations of a top-down approach in change management and the relative advantages of a bottom-up approach.
Lets discuss the role that the Human Resources Department can play in supporting and enabling change.
Innovation can produce sudden and dramatic changes to the way business is done and the way consumers experience changes to the products and services made by the companies.
External Consultants bring a fresh perspective to dealing with organizational issues and therefore are important for success of the change management programs.
Lets discuss the important reasons for the failure of the change management programs and ways to actualize change in the organizations.
Middle level of management is the layer between the top level and low level of management. It is in the unique position of being placed in such a way that they have access to the top management and they can also command the loyalty of the regular employees.
Some large organizations that were bureaucratic in their organizational structures managed to bring about change in the way they worked. Lets understand the relationship between bureaucracy and organizational change.
Is it easier to drive through change in family owned businesses or professionally run companies ?. Lets discuss the difference between managing change in a family owned business as compared to a professional company.
It is correct to say that the only constant in this century is change and companies and the leaders who lead them should be prepared to deal with change that is rapid and sudden at the same time.
This article provides a description of the various types of change, and the basis of categorization of change into different kinds is the intensity and complexity of the change process.
This article provides an overview of the theories of strategic change and explains how firms can ensure that they stay relevant in the midst of radical and sudden change. The theme of this article is that companies must be prepared for anything and expect the unexpected.
New CEOs often proclaim ambitious goals in the first 100 days. However, as this article discusses, this is more of a myth than substance as the breadth and depth of changes that they have to undertake need substantially more time.
This article discusses the paradigm shift from the smokestack era to the digital era, which means the changing role of management in view of the shift from manufacturing to services. The key theme in this article is that the paradigm shift has implications for management and managers who no longer can continue in the old ways of directing and controlling employees who are now sources of competitive advantage.
This article examines what is meant by exponential change and analyses the implications for businesses, workers, and governments. The key point in this article is that one must not fear the future and instead, one must prepare as best as one can to navigate the changing landscapes of tomorrow.
This article provides a comparative coverage on the role of Transactional Leadership and Transformation Leadership in Organizational Change Management. It further discusses the benefits as well as disadvantages of transformational leadership style and concludes with real business examples where transformational leadership contributed towards bringing a progressive change in the organization and revolutionized the business world.
This article essentially attempts at identifying the inter-relationship between organizational learning and change management. It further discusses regarding the elements of organizational learning, key mechanisms which facilitate organizational learning and provides few business examples for explaining the process.
This article describes regarding the interconnection between organizational vision, mission and change management. It provides a brief coverage on the role which vision and mission play in influencing the decisions of leaders and implementing change by analysing the strategic factors and environmental forces.
This article establishes the basic framework for understanding the importance of various models/approaches in the implementation of change management interventions in an organization, depending on the context or the situation. It further describes the difference between the strategies of change and the models of change, in terms of their objectives and key focus.
This article briefly attempts to discuss the Lewins Model of Change Management and its constituent components. It examines the applicability or relevance of this model in the present scenario along with the strengths and limitations of this Planned Change Model.
This article briefly attempts to discuss about the salient features of Kotters 8 step model of Change. It examines the applicability or relevance of this model in the present scenario along with the strengths and limitations of this model.
This article provides coverage on The Contingency Model of Change as propounded by Dunphy and Stace and its salient features. It examines the applicability or relevance of this model in the present scenario along with the strengths and limitations of this Model of Change.
This article provides a description of the Mintzberg and Quinns Model of Change, briefly covers the key highlights and interpretation of the model. Equally analyses the strengths as well as the shortcomings of the model.
This article provides coverage on The Scott and Jaffe Model of Change, its key features and also its relative strengths and weaknesses.
This article provides a description of Anderson & Andersons model of change, it describes the fundamental processes involved in change management and its effect on the entire organization. The article further describes the relative strengths and weaknesses of this model.
This article describes the essence of McKinsey 7S model, provides an explanation about the 7 key integrated elements and how it affects the organizational success or productivity. It discusses the applications of this model in an organizational context and describes the relative strengths and weaknesses of this model.
This article describes the essence of Transformation Approach to Change, the necessary prerequisites for Transformational Change and provides a description of all the transformational factors which influence the organziational performance as a whole.
This article provides a description about the Practitioner Model and Theoretical Model of Transformation along with its relative strengths and weaknesses. It further explains the commonalities between these two models and its implications on organizational performance.
This article provides a description of the process of Transition Management and its influence on the process of organizational change. The salient features of Transition Management are covered along with its key components.
This article presents a description regarding how both internal and external factors influence organizational change and its relative interdependence for helping an organization survive and grow. External forces are the environmental forces of change and are beyond the control of an organization, but majorly influence an organizations change management strategy. Whereas, internal forces of organizational change are the internal forces of change, which may help an organization in either prospering and remaining ahead of the competition or stay behind the competitive race.
This article presents a description of the Planned vs. Unplanned Changes and the internal as well as external factors as the primary forces dictate organizational change. It explains the taxonomy that results as a consequence of the combination of these two dimensions in the form of Planned Internal Change, Unplanned Internal Change, Planned External Change and Unplanned External Change.
This article provides a description of the salient features, relative strengths and shortcomings of the Systems Model of Change Management and also about the Continuous Change Process Model. It establishes a basic framework regarding the applicability of these models in the contemporary scenario, by highlighting the interconnected factors or variables which play a crucial role in the entire process of change management.
This article discusses the role which effective communication plays in the successful implementation of a change program. A description is provided on the essential pre-requisites involved in an effective communication and provides a set of recommendations about communication for successfully planning and executing change.
This article identifies various reasons for using Action Research Model as a necessary Organizational Development Intervention for facilitating organizational change successfully. A description is provided on the major steps involved in the entire process of Action Research and the relative advantages of using this approach as an OD intervention.
The article attempts to explain the meaning of the term psychological contract, and its interconnection with change management. Psychological Contract is described in an organizational context in this article, and its relevance is explained in strengthening workplace relationships, in analyzing human behaviour and analyzes the subtleties involved in the relationship between an employee and an employer.
The article provides a comprehensive overview on the importance of Emotional Competence in the present job world. Coverage is provided on various Personal as well as Social Competencies which provide a leadership edge in the competitive scenario. Further, a description is provided on how organizations benefit from the employees with high Emotional Intelligence and how it helps in coping up with the challenges of change.
This article provides an in-depth insight into the characteristics of successful change agents and the role played by them in facilitating change. The article further describes how change agents facilitate change and influence various types of change such as a change in the structure, strategy and key processes. The change agents serve the role of catalysts and contribute a great deal towards the success implementation of change management interventions by establishing facilitating mechanisms and preparing people, leadership and setting the right processes. Since the role of change agents is so vital in the entire process of transition, hence the article offers coverage on the winning characteristics which change agents should possess.
Change management is a necessity in the present times, and the organizations are engaged in a constant endeavor for changing as per the evolving circumstances or to combat the competitive pressures. For being ahead in the competitive race and achieving success, organizations must have an effective change management in place and need to innovate by monitoring the environmental changes and the next moves of the competitors. This article provides coverage on the key factors involved in effective change management process which essentially revolves around a holistic approach, strong support from the top management and a full-blown participation from the key stakeholders and adoption of an integrated approach to resolving problems.
Organizational change is usually accompanied by a battle between the change agents and those who prefer the status quo. Thus, this article examines how these battles play out with reference to real world examples. The key theme in this organization is that both change agents and status quo adherents have to be understood in a nuanced manner and change itself delineated in a deeper way rather than mere platitudes.
Change is inevitable for any organization and especially so, when internal organizational structures have to be reorganized to keep up with the external imperatives. When such reorganizations and transitions happen, there are bound to be challenges galore, and this article examines some of those challenges and offers some insights into how such transitions can be handled well.
Change or perish. Reform or be Extinct. The stakes could not have been higher as the necessity of change to face disruptive future clashes with the old habits die hard behavior. While the software of driving change is ready, the hardware of the underlying laws and regulations, as well as old ways of structures and processes, is not ready. Thus, we need to make the software of change and the hardware of systems compatible with each other.
In this article, we examine what is meant by term Future Shock and what is Present Shock. With the Fourth Industrial Revolution upon us, we are being disoriented by technology and thus, tending to lose ourselves in the present. We make the case for preparing for the future instead of avoiding reality. In addition, we also describe how Futurists such as Alvin Toffler (Future Shock) and Douglas Rushkoff (Present Shock) explain the impact of trends and technological changes on our lives.
There is a Power Shift underway wherein the Age of Networks has upended the power relations between various stakeholders. In a manner similar to the invention of the printing press, the internet and mobile revolutions are likewise transforming how power is wielded in the present times. The power brokers of tomorrow are those who can harness the networks to their advantage. However, they must also be prepared to fight against the blowback from established players seeking to perpetuate their dominance.
This is the age of radical, disruptive, and disorienting change. Thus, organizations must learn to deal with the challenges of such changes and this is where change agents can help in articulating a new narrative, providing direction with a clear vision, and actualizing the same with missionary sense of purpose. This article examines these themes from multiple perspectives with real world examples of companies struggling with the combined impacts of such changes.
This article synthesizes Organizational Change Theories, VUCA models, Systems theories, and SHRM Theories with Agile Methodologies to argue how organizations by embracing Agile can respond better to the fast changing external business landscape. Using examples from the real world of business, we examine how Agile is taking the Corporate World by storm and outline some strategies that all organizations and especially Startups can actualize to be ahead of the competition in these unpredictable times.
Corporate Planners were considered very important in manufacturing firms where they were looked upon as Oracles who could divine the future. However, in the Digital Age where agile methods of working predominate and which have teams doing everything from planning to execution, it is worth asking about the relevance of the Corporate Planners. Having said that, we also argue that if their role is redefined and their work adjusts and adapts to the changed paradigm, Corporate Planners can remain relevant in the present times as well. We use real world examples to examine these themes in this article.
Creative Destruction happens when there are new disruptions due to technology and capitalism working in tandem. The same goes for the present Digital Age where organizations that cannot adapt and adapt to the changing rules of the game are weeded out. Taking this as the key theme, this article makes the case for a Paradigm Shift that is needed for organizations to succeed in the Digital Age. Using examples of how Agile and other methodologies need a mindset change as well as a skill set change, we examine how organizations can adapt and adapt to the Digital Age.
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