Articles on Commercial Banking

This article explains the concept of commercial banking. It compares commercial banking with retail banking and investment banking in order to provide more clarity. It also explains the need for commercial banking.

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This article explains the concept of bank-based financial systems and compares it with market-based financial systems. It explains why bank-based financial systems provide more opportunities for commercial banks to thrive and flourish.

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This article explains the concept of positive pay. It explains how positive pay works and also explains how to reverse positive pay works. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of positive pay have been listed.

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This article explains the concept of reverse factoring. It explains how to reverse factoring helps companies manage their supply chain debt. It also explains the various advantages of using reverse factoring.

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This article explains the concept of multi-currency accounts. It explains how multi-currency accounts are operated. It also lists down the various benefits which are derived by corporations from multi-currency accounts.

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This article explains the concept of managed treasury services. It explains what managed treasury services are and also explains why many corporations outsource their core treasury operations to a commercial bank.

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This article explains the concept of remote deposit capture. It explains the functionality of remote deposit capture. Lastly, it also lists down the various benefits that companies derive when they deploy remote deposit capture.

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This article lists the pros and cons of bank guarantees. The article explains the various ways in which bank guarantees have a positive as well as negative impact on corporations across the world.

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This article explains the main benefits of using corporate credit cards. The article explains the various ways in which corporate credit cards are useful to large corporations.

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This article explains the concept of relationship banking in the context of commercial banking. It compared commercial banking with retail banking and explains why it is imperative for commercial banks to adopt the relationship banking model. The various benefits of using this model have been listed in the article.

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This article explains the pros and cons of relationship banking. The details of all pros and cons as well as the impact that they have on the overall business have been explained in detail in this article.

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This article explains the concept of next-day funding. It also explains how next-day funding works and why it is an important part of commercial banking. Lastly, it explains some of the benefits related to next-day funding.

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This article explains how data analytics is increasingly becoming relevant in commercial banking. This article explains the various ways in which data mining and other data analytics techniques are revolutionizing the commercial banking industry.

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This article explains the concept of liquidity management. It explains why liquidity management is important for the corporation. It also explains the various ways in which commercial banks can provide better liquidity management services to their clients.

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This article explains the concept of sweeping and how it is used in liquidity management. The article also explains the different variations of sweep which are being offered by commercial banks to their corporate clients.

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This article explains the concept of intercompany loans. It explains why intercompany loans are required. It also explains how commercial banks help in making intercompany loans and what are the benefits that a corporation derives during the process.

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This article explains the concept of a multi-bank cash concentration system. It explains how the multi-bank cash concentration system works. It also explains the various ways in which corporations benefit when they use this service.

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This article explains what merchant cash advance is. It explains the various ways in which commercial banks offer this product. It also explains why the merchant cash advance is classified as an advance and not a loan.

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This article explains the various pros and cons of merchant cash advances. The detailed analysis of the various points and how they affect the business has been explained in this article.

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This article explains the concept of credit evaluation. It explains how the credit evaluation process has changed in commercial banks. It also enumerates the drawbacks of the previous process and the benefits of the new one.

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This article explains the various benefits of non-interest income. The various benefits which accrue from earning non-interest income have been listed and explained in detail in this article.

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This article explains the various disadvantages of non-interest income. The common issues which commercial banks have reportedly faced, when the proportion of non-interest income has increased in their revenue mix, have been mentioned in this article.

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This article explains why the commercial banking system is often misused by anti-social elements disguised as corporations. It explains the various reasons why money launderers are able to easily disguise their transactions as regular business transactions.

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This article explains the shortcomings of the commercial banking system in dealing with money laundering. It also explains the various measures which commercial banks will have to take in order to be able to prevent money laundering in the future.

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This article explains the concept of subscription-based banking. It explains what subscription-based banking is by comparing it to the traditional revenue model followed by banks. It also explains why this model is rapidly gaining popularity.

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This article explains the various advantages associated with a subscription-based commercial banking revenue model. The various ways in which this model benefits the commercial bank have been explained in detail in this article.

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This article explains the concept of artificial intelligence in commercial banking. The two main types of artificial intelligence-based mechanisms have been explained in this article. Cost concerns about the implementation of this tool have also been discussed in this article.

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This article explains the different uses cases and applications of artificial intelligence technology in commercial banking. It provides a detailed explanation of the use case providing details about how the commercial bank, as well as the corporate customer, will both benefit from this move.

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This article explains the concept of banking as a service. It explains what banking as a service is and how it differs from traditional services provided by commercial banks. It also explains the various roles which are played in the value chain of banking as a service model.

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This article explains the three-layered value chain which is required to power banking as a service. It provides a detailed explanation of all the three players which are engaged in enabling the concept of banking as a service.

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This article explains the various advantages of banking as a service. The various benefits which accrue to a commercial bank as a result of this model have been listed and explained in detail in this article.

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This article explains the disadvantages of banking as a service. The various disadvantages of banking as a service have been listed and details about the same have also been provided in this article.

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This article explains the concept of digital onboarding of commercial banking clients. It explains how a wide array of technological advancements have to be integrated in order to enable the automation of this complex process which encompasses several functions.

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This article explains the concept of sustainable banking. It also explains why commercial banks have witnessed a huge rise in the field of sustainable banking. The four major driving factors which are causing the sustainable banking industry to grow have also been discussed in detail in this article.

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This article provides a list of the various challenges being faced by the commercial banking industry. The importance of each challenge as well as its impact on the overall industry has been discussed in detail in this article.

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This article explains the concept of straight-through processing. It also explains how a system that enables straight-through processing is expected to work. Lastly, the unique features of such a system have also been explained.

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This article explains the concept of multi-banking. It explains what multi-banking is. It also explains the problem multi-banking solves and lists down some of the characteristic features of multi-banking.

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This article lists the pros and cons of multi-banking. It provides a detailed explanation of how these pros and cons impact the commercial bank as well as the corporation.

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This article explains the concept of neo banks. It explains how neo banks have become important in the commercial banking landscape. It also provides a detailed explanation of the business model of neo banks.

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This article explains the advantages and disadvantages of neo banking. It provides a detailed list of pros and cons and explains how each of them impacts the end customers.

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This article explains how branch banking relates to commercial banking in general. It also explains why branch banking is facing a decline as the number of branches might decrease significantly over the coming years.

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This article explains the various types of risks which are present in commercial banking. It provides an indicative list of the different types of risk as well as explains how such risks affect the commercial bank’s operations.

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This article explains the concept of technological risks in commercial banking. It explains how technological blunders have caused commercial banks to lose billions of dollars in the past. Two famous incidents which happened to Germany’s KfW bank have been explained and detailed in this article.

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This article explains the case study of Citibank and Revlon. It explains how Citibank which was playing the role of a mere payment intermediary ended up losing more than $500 million as a result of improper risk management in their commercial banking operations!

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This article explains the two prominent commercial banking scams which have taken place in India in the past decade. It has also explained the different methods which were used to perpetrate these scams.

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