Communication Skills and Personality Development

Personality refers to an individual’s characteristics, style, behavior, mindset, attitude, his own unique way of perceiving things and seeing the world.

Genetic factors, family backgrounds, varied cultures, environment, current situations play an imperative role in shaping one’s personality. The way you behave with others reflects your personality. An individual with a pleasing personality is appreciated and respected by all.

Effective Communication skills play a crucial role in honing one’s personality. Communication helps individuals to express themselves in the most convincing way. Your thoughts, feelings and knowledge should be passed on in the most desirable manner and effective communication skills help you in the same.

A person should speak really well to make a mark of his/her own. Remember, no one would take you seriously if you do not master the art of expressing yourself clearly and in the most convincing manner.

Not all people are blessed with excellent communication skills; they acquire the same with time and practice. People with great communication skills tend to have a better and impressive personality than those who have problems in communicating as interacting with others is not a challenge for them.

Individuals with effective communication skills can easily converse with other people around be it their fellow workers, peers, family and so on.

Effective communication skills strengthen the bond among individuals. It is also said to improve the interpersonal relationships with other people.

Careful selection of words is essential for effective communication skills. You really need to know what you are speaking. You never know what might hurt the other person. Never even think of being rude to anyone.

Speak convincingly so that the other person understands what you intend to communicate. Your style of speaking has a tremendous impact on your personality. Speaking slowly always helps as it allows you to find appropriate words and also reflects thoughtfulness. Emphasize important and relevant words for the other person to realize the importance.

Speaking confidently is the key to an impressive and great personality. Do not show signs of nervousness while interacting with others. There is no point of being nervous unless and until you yourself are not sure of what you are speaking. Develop proper eye contact with the other person. Do not look around while interacting with the other person.

Take care of your body language. Correct body language exudes confidence which further hones an individual’s personality. Do not fiddle with things around while speaking.

Be very particular about the pronunciation of words. If you are not very sure of how to pronounce a particular word, avoid the same in your speech. Pronouncing words wrongly creates a bad impression on others.

You really do not need to speak with a fake accent to prove that you have excellent communication skills. Avoid copying others. An individual should have his/her own style to stand apart from the rest. Speaking articulately enhances one’s personality and makes him/her different from others.

Do not play with words. Never try to fool anyone as you might fall in the trap later on. One should always say things straight to the point.

It is important to be a good and patient listener for effective communication skills. Observe whether the other person is listening to you or not. Allow the other person to speak as well in case of queries or confusions.

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