Creating Integrated Marketing Communication Plan
February 12, 2025
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Brand image is the current view of the customers about a brand. It can be defined as a unique bundle of associations within the minds of target customers. It signifies what the brand presently stands for. It is a set of beliefs held about a specific brand. In short, it is nothing but the consumers’ […]
As Marketing professional or a management professional, one needs to be in tune with the current trends, especially in terms of the media channels and be ahead of the customers. Social Media networking has brought about phenomenal changes to the consumer behavior. While traditionally print media, Audio and Video media were one sided communication channels […]
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Imagine walking in aisle of a typical super market (Shaw’s, Costco etc) to purchase salt, there are many offerings but choice is “Morton”. It is a simple example but a great situation to understand brand and brand equity. Companies already know that identity of product created over period of time through strategic marketing is brand, […]
Integrated marketing strategy integrates relevant marketing tools to deliver similar message to a larger audience. Remember, an integrated marketing strategy is successful only when it creates awareness of a particular brand among a large number of end-users.
Remember, a marketer needs to carefully blend and make the best possible use of all promotional tools so that the right message reaches the right customer at the right time and right place.
It is essential to ensure that an organization’s integrated marketing strategy communicates similar message to target audience for them to invest in their brand and also develop a sense of attachment and loyalty towards the same.
Let us go through several components of a successful integrated marketing Strategy
Customer Focus - No strategy would yield results unless and until you value your customers. Successful marketing strategies ought to start and end with customers. Customers are indeed “Gods” who play a crucial role in the success or failure of an organization.
Do not ignore your customers while formulating essential marketing strategies for brand promotion. The needs and requirements of the end-users need to be kept in mind. Make sure your products or services meet and exceed customer expectations.
Understand, why would an individual invest in your brand if you do not have anything new and unique to offer? Integrated marketing strategy is successful only when the features and benefits of the brands reach the target customers in the desired manner and prompt them to buy the products or services immediately.
Customer feedbacks are essential and need to be monitored regularly. Every business has some set of customers who are loyal and would never think of going to competitors. Design your initial marketing strategies around such customers as you do not have to try too hard to convince them.
Co-operation - Remember, only marketing professionals are not responsible for promoting brands and making them popular in the market. Infact, the responsibility lies on the shoulders of each and every individual who is directly associated with the organization.
Interdepartmental cooperation is essential. Individuals need to work in unison, brainstorm ideas and come to innovative ideas and unique solutions. All departments, example - marketing, sales, customer care, service delivery need to work in close coordination for better results and maximum customer satisfaction.
Database Communication - Employees need to communicate with each other effectively. Information needs to reach all in its desired form. Employees associated with a particular project need to have access to all relevant information, data, figures and so on required for its successful implementation. Managers need to share correct information with all related employees.
Leverage - Understand how each marketing channel promotes your brand among target customers and also find out the costs associated with the same. Analyze which all channels are the most cost effective for you to effectively integrate for promoting various products and services to yield maximum profitability.
Profitability - Remember any strategy or idea is successful only when it generates additional revenues for the organization. Every function and process needs to contribute to the earnings of the organization. Make sure, marketing strategies influence customer decisions who in turn remain loyal towards the organization concerned, eventually yielding higher profits.
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