Articles on Consumer Behaviour

Consumer Behaviour deals with various stages that a consumer goes through before purchasing any product or service. Lets understand the concept in detail with the help of few examples.

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Cultural factors are one of the most important factors that influence the buying decision of consumers. Cultural factors comprises of the set of values of a particular community or a group of individuals.

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Social factors play a very important role in influencing the buying decisions of consumers. These factors can be classified as - reference groups, immediate family members, relatives, role of an individual in the society and status in the society.

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Personal factors play a very important role in affecting the buying behaviour of a consumer. Some of the major personal factors are - occupation, age, economic condition, lifestyle and individuals personality.

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It is really important for marketers to understand what prompts a consumer to purchase a particular product and what stops then from buying it. Lets understand the role of consumer behaviour in marketing.

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Advertisements are very important in creating an image of a product in the minds of consumers. Marketers need to understand the buying behaviour of consumers while designing their advertisements for the desired impact.

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An individuals immediate family members play a important role in influencing the buying behaviour. Lets discuss the role of family members in influencing the consumers buying behaviour.

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Most of us are enthralled by the “premium” and luxury goods in the Malls and other shopping markets. There are many reasons why we place a premium on these goods and services. While some of us might want to satisfy our desire for class and status, others might simply want to consume these goods and services just for the “snob value”. This article examines how such consumption termed as status consumption is important to understand for marketers of these goods and services.

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This article critiques the economic, symbolic and consumer culture perspectives of consumption and their impact on the strategies pursued by the marketers. To understand the various perspectives of consumption, one needs to take an approach that combines the different dimensions of consumption for economic, symbolic purposes which combines with the overall consumer culture as the zeitgeist to produce consumption as we know it.

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This article explains the role of social network in modern business. It also explains how business benefit from such networks and how at the same time individuals who extensively use these networks tend to stay unhappy compared to their peers.

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