What is Customer Satisfaction ?
February 12, 2025
Learning all about E Commerce and E Marketing is the pressing need of every student as well as every marketing and business manager. No one can afford to ignore the E Business channel and hope to grow one’s business the traditional way. Even if an Organisation continues to explore and grow its traditional channels of […]
“Money does matter a lot.” Advertising Budget is the amount of money which can be or has to be spent on advertising of the product to promote it, reach the target consumers and make the sales chart go on the upper side and give reasonable profits to the company. Before finalizing the advertising budget of […]
International Retailing industry is a every green industry that will keep growing and evolving with time. Merchandizing is one of the most important functions in the Retailing Organisations. The job responsibilities and functions of the Merchandiser directly impact the success, profits and the performance of the retail Company. The job calls for multi skills, sharp […]
Introduction The concept of knowledge as the founding block for attaining competitive advantage has become quite prevalent in Management studies. All knowledge should begin form a piece of information. For the conversion of information into knowledge there is a critical aspect to be noted. This is related to the timing of the retrieval of information. […]
The aim of strategic CRM is to concentrate and enhance the knowledge about customers and use this knowledge to improve and customize the interactions with customers to maintain a long-term relationship with them. Determining and development of CRM strategies involves following steps: Amplify Commitment- Strategic CRM involves almost all the departments of an organization e.g. […]
If in an organization, many customers diverge their way to other organizations and customer acquisition program shows less aggressiveness then the organization faces terrible cash flow problems. This is the time when tracking the number of customers in each stage of customer life cycle becomes essential. This helps the organization to determine the purchasing power and pattern of customer and coping up the cash flow problem. There are basically following stages of customer life cycle:
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