What is Customer Satisfaction ?
February 12, 2025
In current times every company is wanting to be a global player, some companies this out of compulsion, for some its natural extension, whatever the case companies need to have marketing programs, which can create and sustain brand equity across geographical boundaries and market segments. However, before studying the global view for marketing strategies, it […]
When the suppliers are unable to entertain customers or their business strategies fail to build a good relationship with customers, they probably end up with customers’ dissatisfaction. Their can be many reasons for the customers to become dissatisfied. Some of these reasons are: Taking example of India, most of the population here are vegetarian. They […]
At times, organizations are often inspired by a variety of ideas to create products and services which can be offered locally or globally. Generally, such products or services require the establishment of a brand or company name. Often these brands include both logo and lettering and can do a long way in advertising such products […]
Marketing strategy of a company revolves around 4Ps – Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Companies devise a strategy by mixing the four. The most important among is the product. All the marketing push and promotion will go waste if the product is not able to deliver. To come out with winner product, companies have to […]
Download PPT for Complete Course on SWOT Analysis Total Slides: 130 Introduction Google is probably the world’s best-known company for pioneering the search engine revolution and providing a means for the internet users of the world to search and find information at the click of a mouse. Further, Google is also known for its work […]
Most of the organizations have murkiness in considering customer loyalty and satisfaction. They feel that both are same and a satisfied customer is always loyal to them. But this is not true as the customer can be delightfully satisfied but he may be or may not be loyal. This is because satisfaction an emotional and slushy feeling over the job done. But loyalty is related to the action taken by the customer future. There can be following two combinations of aspect when satisfaction and loyalty are treated together:
For an organization to be in business and make profit it is a very important aspect for them to gain customer loyalty. Even if high satisfaction may not guarantee loyalty but it can be literally a prerequisite for it.
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