What is Customer Satisfaction ?
February 12, 2025
Organizations that are product leaders do things differently. Be it the way they market the product, the way they build the value proposition to their customers or managing the internal environment and culture they practice innovative methods that gives them the edge to be the leaders. Managing innovation calls for nurturing a pool of highly […]
Scaling Techniques for Measuring Data Gathered from Respondents The term scaling is applied to the attempts to measure the attitude objectively. Attitude is a resultant of number of external and internal factors. Depending upon the attitude to be measured, appropriate scales are designed. Scaling is a technique used for measuring qualitative responses of respondents such […]
As depicted by name Desk Research is the research technique which is mainly acquired by sitting at a desk. Desk research is basically involved in collecting data from existing resources hence it is often considered a low cost technique as compared to field research, as the main cost is involved in executive’s time, telephone charges […]
The field of corporate governance exists in a symbiotic relationship between the management and the board of directors. It is impossible to talk about corporate governance without taking into account the roles and duties of the board of directors and the expectations from the management. To explain this fully, it would be useful to consider […]
Neil Borden in the year 1953 introduced the term Marketing mix, an extension of the work done by one of his associates James Culliton in 1948. Marketing Mix – A mixture of several ideas and plans followed by a marketing representative to promote a particular product or brand is called marketing mix. Several concepts and […]
Most of the organizations have murkiness in considering customer loyalty and satisfaction. They feel that both are same and a satisfied customer is always loyal to them. But this is not true as the customer can be delightfully satisfied but he may be or may not be loyal. This is because satisfaction an emotional and slushy feeling over the job done. But loyalty is related to the action taken by the customer future. There can be following two combinations of aspect when satisfaction and loyalty are treated together:
For an organization to be in business and make profit it is a very important aspect for them to gain customer loyalty. Even if high satisfaction may not guarantee loyalty but it can be literally a prerequisite for it.
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