What is Customer Satisfaction ?
February 12, 2025
A normal way of functioning for a company is to procure raw materials, use its expertise in creating the product and then distribute to the customer. Companies have to convert this supply chain into a value network as to develop and maintain partnership with different stakeholders. Value Network and Marketing Channel A network which creates […]
For long Businesses and Organisations have been Customer oriented. They have moved from product and service mindset to Customer Satisfaction and Customer Delight mind set. The Customer expectation defined the marketing and business strategies of the Organisations. Organisations have begun to listen and tune in with the markets and customers to improve its product delivery […]
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Every marketing management student would have heard the story about origin of branding, that it was initially used to identify and isolate a particular stock of cattle in the west. From the Wild West, branding as a concept has grown and changed beyond its original purpose. Today brands have become the common tool for us […]
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When customers end up his relationship with suppliers, he breaks the loyalty with him. Following are the reasons which are responsible for loyalty break ups:
Most of the unsatisfied customers try to find more prominent alternatives which results in their migration. In most of the cases the customer does not even complain about the dissatisfaction and simply divert their way to other supplier.
If the supplier is unable to follow the process of continuously updating technological related aspects of products and services he may loose customers as they divert in search of technological sound products and services.
Apart from the advanced technology, if the customers get enhanced and user friendly product features then it acts like additional incentives for them to migrate.
If supplier is not able to meet customers’ expectations then obviously customers would look for better alternatives. These expectations can be related to cost, quality, product service, efficiency, durability or any other aspect.
Many a times these expectations could be unrealistic or unreasonable due to the market scenario or some external business pressure. Under this kind of situation it is becomes very difficult for an organizations to meet all the expectations which result in sudden divert by breaking loyalty bond.
Any supplier which comes close to these unrealistic and unreasonable expectations of customers could retain him easily.
Even if they are fully satisfied with the existing supplier they would attempt a change for the sake of getting new and better option or because of any change in business rules and tactics.
These types of customers are experimental in nature and try to be innovative and creative by taking high business risks. These customers are supposed to be least loyal because they less likely to be attached with any sort of bond with single supplier. To retain these types of customers is a pain for all the suppliers and they generally try to change their attitude by inheriting some business tactics in their marketing strategies.
Hence apart from manufacturing good and sound products it is very important for the supplier to provide enhanced service components along with the product which will act as a roadblock for customer to divert.
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