What is Customer Satisfaction ?
February 12, 2025
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For a positive growth of business all customers have to depend, directly or indirectly, on good and reliable suppliers.
Apart from their expectations from the supplier the customers also need to be loyal to them so as to strengthen their relationship. Therefore customers should work on building a strong and long-lasting supplier relationship as they do with their own customers. And it is not a complicated process.
The positive customer-supplier relationship begins with the initiative of the supplier to demonstrate his sensitivity to the customer’s needs.
A customer always vouches for the conditions of his business deal with the supplier and likes to be honest with them to have a smooth flow of business. But many non-serious suppliers sabotage the deal in the beginning only by making the customer struggle to even getting a relationship started.
The lapses and diversions on the part of the suppliers can affect their relationship in many ways as given below:
On the other hand suppliers also have a right to get their needs met as they are ultimately motivated by profit. They want to be known as the best in their deals so they count on customer loyalty and satisfaction at all levels which translate into direct benefit of both of them. Therefore it is only win-win relationships between them in all stages of the customer-supplier chain to produce total satisfaction. It should be remembered that a customer assumes his name only in relation to his supplier. As such in order to be a valued customer to suppliers, here are a few things he should do:
Any problems arising in this regard should be properly dealt with to maintain the goodwill and benefits to earn.
Unreasonable demands should be avoided. This tendency also connects to quality production.
Methods of improving business may also be discussed. Sharing of knowledge, opportunities, service benefits, software compatibility etc. would be beneficial for both.
Frequent and open communications are important in understanding each other’s expectations. All relationships begin with self.
Sharing knowledge, service benefits, media exposure opportunities, software compatibility, efficiencies etc. would add to enhance relationship.
These essential factors are important for the customers to create and maintain a healthy relationship with the suppliers.
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