The Changing Face of Services Marketing
February 12, 2025
Introduction Technology is a term that is frequently used in the business world. It is a term habitually related to science. But there is a significant difference between the two. Science comprises of outcomes of basic academic studies whereas technology infers to the relevant application of science. This difference is critical when it is to […]
Introduction The environment under which organization functions determines how it will conduct its business. Organizations have to constantly monitor and appraise the external business environment. Organizations have to make changes in its operations in accordance to the environment as to be profitable and effective. Therefore, understanding the business environment is important before developing any marketing […]
Customer satisfaction is the overall impression of customer about the supplier and the products and services delivered by the supplier. Following are the important factors that could affect customer satisfaction: Departmentwise capability of the supplier. Technological and engineering or re-engineering aspects of products and services. Type and quality of response provided by the supplier. Supplier’s […]
After gathering the information from desk and field research the raw data must be compiled so that the taxonomic analysis can be performed and data can be broken up into respective parts and segments. This can be achieved in the following manner: Keeping on revisiting and focusing on the ultimate objective of the research and […]
The aim of strategic CRM is to concentrate and enhance the knowledge about customers and use this knowledge to improve and customize the interactions with customers to maintain a long-term relationship with them. Determining and development of CRM strategies involves following steps: Amplify Commitment- Strategic CRM involves almost all the departments of an organization e.g. […]
In today’s ultra competitive business environment merely meeting customer expectations is not enough.
In order to effectively differentiate themselves from the competition, service providers need to focus on exceeding customer expectations to create customer delight and create a pool of loyal customers.
Therefore, when deciding on a service delivery design, it is imperative for the service provider to consider the targeted customer base and their needs and expectations. This will help in developing a service design that will help the provider to effectively manage customer expectations leading to customer delight.
Customer needs comprise the basic reason or requirement that prompts a customer to approach a service provider. For instance, a person visits a restaurant primarily for the food it serves. That is the customer’s need.
However, the customer expects polite staff, attentive yet non intrusive service and a pleasant ambience. If these expectations are not properly met the guest would leave the restaurant dissatisfied even if his basic requirement of a meal being served has been met.
Thus knowing and understanding guest expectations is important for any service provider.
Based on the quality of the service experience a customer will either be satisfied, dissatisfied or delighted. Knowing a customer’s expectation is instrumental in developing a strategy for meeting and exceeding customer expectations.
Exceeding customer expectations is all about creating that extra value for the customer. The hospitality industry specializes in creating customer delight.
Example, most 5 star hotels maintain customer databases detailing room order choices of their guests. So if a guest has asked for say orange juice to be kept in the mini bar in his room, the next time that he makes a reservation at the hotel, the staff ensures that the juice s already kept in the room. Such small gestures go a long way in making customers feel important and creating customer delight.
Another novel way of exceeding guest expectations is often demonstrated by travel companies. Since, they usually have details on their customers’ birthdays, they often send out an email greeting to their guests to wish them. This not only makes an impact on the guest but also helps to keep the company acquire ‘top of the mind recall’ with the guest.
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