Conjoint Analysis – Meaning, Usage and its Limitations
February 12, 2025
Definition of Business Ethics Business Ethics refers to carrying business as per self-acknowledged moral standards. It is actually a structure of moral principles and code of conduct applicable to a business. Business ethics are applicable not only to the manner the business relates to a customer but also to the society at large. It is […]
Internet age and the social web is redefining marketing. Online marketing as well as online advertising and brand promotions are done differently from the traditional ways. When you consider the traditional way of marketing and building customer loyalty, you will find that the customer’s positive experience of the product or service helps build loyalty. It […]
Challenges Facing Marketers and Small Businesses These days, marketers everywhere face significant challenges in terms of reaching out to customers across multiple channels, being alert and agile to newer trends in a media driven 24/7 world where Twitter has more power than any other marketing approach. Thus, it is very important for businesses on knowing […]
Satisfying customer needs ensures the business survival for an organization. A periodical check is required to enhance the quality of services and product to build a quality relationship with customers. For fulfilling this goal organizations must have a set of rules to measure and improve this quality. Delivering best quality services to customers is considered […]
Marketing Management has evolved to become a multi faceted and all embracing science over a period of time. Studies in Marketing do not involve the 4Ps anymore. The markets, geographies, the consumer segments have changed leading to multi tier and complex networks and relationships. Marketing Managers of today are no longer following the same rules […]
Data Collection in Marketing Research is a detailed process in which a planned search for all relevant data is made by researcher.
Qualitative data comes into a variety of forms like interview transcripts; documents, diaries and notes made while observing. There are two main methods for collecting Qualitative data
In Quantitative Research, data can be colleted by two methods:
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