Customers Expectations and Delight
February 12, 2025
What is online marketing and how it Works? Ever wondered how websites give away much for free or for low prices and offer lots of information and other such conveniences? Did you ever felt the need to know how online marketing works with terms such as clicks, click through, eyeball views, and likes and shares […]
Companies need to develop strategies to improve brand image and brand awareness. The important aspect of spreading brand awareness and brand image is through communication. Companies need to establish a communication channel to win the new customers and retain existing customer. This communication is not restricted just to customer but also stakeholders in the value […]
Brand Equity is defined as value and strength of the Brand that decides its worth whereas Customer Equity is defined in terms of lifetime values of all customers. Brand Equity and Customer Equity have two things in common- Both stress on significance of customer loyalty to the brand. Both stress upon the face that value […]
The previous articles discussed how good corporate governance is imperative to the existence of a structured and functioning economy. In this article, we look at the ways in corporate governance is practiced in the developed economies of the West and in the developing economies in the rest of the world. To start with, the ongoing […]
Over the years, the retailers have adopted several unique strategies and ways of dealing with the challenges. We shall briefly discuss the two major strategies adapted by the international retailers in their areas of global operations. Differentiation by Unique Customer Experience Some of the features that highlight the international retailer product is the standardization in […]
The world economy nowadays is increasingly characterized as a service economy. This is primarily due to the increasing importance and share of the service sector in the economies of most developed and developing countries.
In fact, the growth of the service sector has long been considered as indicative of a country’s economic progress.
Economic history tells us that all developing nations have invariably experienced a shift from agriculture to industry and then to the service sector as the main stay of the economy.
This shift has also brought about a change in the definition of goods and services themselves. No longer are goods considered separate from services. Rather, services now increasingly represent an integral part of the product and this interconnectedness of goods and services is represented on a goods-services continuum.
The American Marketing Association defines services as - “Activities, benefits and satisfactions which are offered for sale or are provided in connection with the sale of goods.”
The defining characteristics of a service are:
Intangibility: Services are intangible and do not have a physical existence. Hence services cannot be touched, held, tasted or smelt. This is most defining feature of a service and that which primarily differentiates it from a product.
Also, it poses a unique challenge to those engaged in marketing a service as they need to attach tangible attributes to an otherwise intangible offering.
While products can be mass produced and be homogenous the same is not true of services. eg: All burgers of a particular flavor at McDonalds are almost identical. However, the same is not true of the service rendered by the same counter staff consecutively to two customers.
Moreover, it is very difficult to separate a service from the service provider. Eg: the barber is necessarily a part of the service of a haircut that he is delivering to his customer.
Given below are the fundamental differences between physical goods and services:
Goods | Services |
A physical commodity | A process or activity |
Tangible | Intangible |
Homogenous | Heterogeneous |
Production and distribution are separation from their consumption | Production, distribution and consumption are simultaneous processes |
Can be stored | Cannot be stored |
Transfer of ownership is possible | Transfer of ownership is not possible |
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