What is Customer Satisfaction ?
February 12, 2025
Human behavior is very complex and varied. As many as there are people, there are differences in their thinking patterns. Therefore, as far as the brand management goes, it is not only important to gather data and analyze the buying pattern, but understand how the customers go about making their buying decisions. Decision making with […]
Merchandising Retail Merchandising refers to the various activities which contribute to the sale of products to the consumers for their end use. Every retail store has its own line of merchandise to offer to the customers. The display of the merchandise plays an important role in attracting the customers into the store and prompting them […]
Any Company marketing its products and services cannot afford to ignore or keep away from the Social Networks and Social Web. The fact that people on the social networks are talking and sharing information about products and services makes it imperative for Companies to participate. Social Networks are great platforms for individuals to participate and […]
The retailer acts as a link between the customer and the marketer, who is responsible for selling the ultimate products and services to the customers. In the entire complicated process of marketing, retailer acts an intermediary in the complex marketing & distribution channel. Though manufacturers can directly sell their products and services to the end […]
Challenges Facing Marketers and Small Businesses These days, marketers everywhere face significant challenges in terms of reaching out to customers across multiple channels, being alert and agile to newer trends in a media driven 24/7 world where Twitter has more power than any other marketing approach. Thus, it is very important for businesses on knowing […]
According to the market evidences following are the main determinants of customer retention:
If the customer expectation is very high and the provided product or service does not meet his expectation then the customer will obviously not purchase that particular product again. Hence one of the key facets in determining retention is the deference between the quality of the product or service provided and the customer’s expectation. The organization must always try to optimize the balance between quality of product and expectation from customers.
For example, shoppers and retailers are engaged with frequent shopping and credit cards to gain customer loyalty, many high end retailers also provide membership cards and discount benefits on those cards so that the customer remain loyal to them. All the important marketing strategies results in customer retention.
Customer service is the reaction by the organization to the queries and activities of the customer. Dealing with these queries intelligently is very important as small misunderstandings could convey unalike perceptions.
Success totally depends on understanding and interpreting these queries and then working out to provide the best solution. During this situation if the supplier wins to satisfy the customer by properly answering to his queries, he succeeds in explicating a professional and emotional relationship with him. Hence customer service is one of the most influential determinants of customer retention.
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