What is Customer Satisfaction ?
February 12, 2025
Whether in an office environment, Corporate setup, at home, amidst friends, clubs or wherever you go, it is quite likely that you will discover the existence of a Network that is engaged in Multi Level Marketing. You are likely to receive calls from friends forgotten long ago who will re awaken the relationship and try […]
Procurement being one of the important functions of International Retailing industry, the Companies rely heavily upon their procurement strategies to drive their business. Accordingly the size and volume of buying as well as the strategy of the Company coupled with the size of the Company and its outlets have a bearing on the structure and […]
Definition of Business Policy Business Policy defines the scope or spheres within which decisions can be taken by the subordinates in an organization. It permits the lower level management to deal with the problems and issues without consulting top level management every time for decisions. Business policies are the guidelines developed by an organization to […]
One of the first things that any observer of management thought and practice asks is whether a particular organization has a vision and mission statement. In addition, one of the first things that one learns in a business school is the importance of vision and mission statements. This article is intended to elucidate on the […]
Decades ago the introduction of MRP and ERP system revolutionized the concept of manufacturing across all industries. All aspects of business including procurement, production, inventory management, logistics, sales and marketing as well as finance were touched or rather integrated by the ERP systems. ERP systems aligned all business functions into a seamless process and the […]
According to the market evidences following are the main determinants of customer retention:
If the customer expectation is very high and the provided product or service does not meet his expectation then the customer will obviously not purchase that particular product again. Hence one of the key facets in determining retention is the deference between the quality of the product or service provided and the customer’s expectation. The organization must always try to optimize the balance between quality of product and expectation from customers.
For example, shoppers and retailers are engaged with frequent shopping and credit cards to gain customer loyalty, many high end retailers also provide membership cards and discount benefits on those cards so that the customer remain loyal to them. All the important marketing strategies results in customer retention.
Customer service is the reaction by the organization to the queries and activities of the customer. Dealing with these queries intelligently is very important as small misunderstandings could convey unalike perceptions.
Success totally depends on understanding and interpreting these queries and then working out to provide the best solution. During this situation if the supplier wins to satisfy the customer by properly answering to his queries, he succeeds in explicating a professional and emotional relationship with him. Hence customer service is one of the most influential determinants of customer retention.
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