Executive Pay: The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn’s Arrest
February 12, 2025
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There is a proliferation of electronic payment systems in the 21st century. Debit and credit cards have become the norm, and cash has become obsolete. However, many people still prefer to use cash because of some benefits that it offers. Up until now, people have been facing a choice between using the electronic medium and using cash. However, with the new concept of digital cash, it is now possible to combine the advantages of both digital technologies as well as cash.
In this article, we will try to understand what digital cash is and what its advantages and disadvantages are.
Digital cash can be defined as any electronic system which allows for storage, transfer, and spending of electronic cash. These systems are mostly owned by private companies.
In simpler words, people can use physical cash to buy digital credits. These credits can then be stored in an electronic wallet and spent when required. Electronic cash is different from mobile wallets. People can only use mobile wallets if the counterparty also uses the same wallet. This is not the case with digital cash. Digital cash is meant to be just like cash. This means that the counterparty does not need to have any systems in place to accept digital cash. There is no special hardware or software that needs to be installed to use digital cash. If such a requirement does exist, the arrangement can no longer be called digital cash. It can instead be classified as a mobile wallet.
Digital cash is becoming more common because of the convenience and independence that it offers. The advantages and disadvantages of digital cash have been explained in detail in this article.
As mentioned above, in order to use digital cash, the end user needs to open an account with a bank. They then need to ask the bank to provide them with e-cash in lieu of their cash. For instance, the bank may deduct $1000 from the account and issue 1000 digital coins of $1 each.
The bank uniquely marks each coin that it issues. This is done to ensure that each coin is spent only once by a single user. Once it is spent, it reaches a different consumer and gets a different number. This electronic marking makes the digital cash system viable. In the absence of this marking, duplication would make the system unviable.
There are several protocols that banks have developed in order to ensure that the digital cash system works seamlessly. Some of these protocols have been mentioned below
Account Opening: In this case, the bank takes in cash and issues marked digital tokens
Withdrawal: This is the opposite of the account opening. Here the electronic tokens are extinguished, and cash is provided to the customer
Payments: Here, digital coins are extinguished. However, the value of these coins is transferred to the counterparty. This value may be in the form of digital coins or in the form of bank currency depending upon the customer’s preference.
There are several advantages to using digital cash. Some of them have been mentioned below.
The digital cash system also presents some formidable problems. Earlier, double spending was the biggest problem. However, over time, it has been solved by using marked electronic tokens. The problems which still exist are as follows:
To sum it up, digital cash is a relatively new system. However, it promises a lot of convenience and safety and hence, is being adopted rapidly.
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