Country of Origin Effects on Marketing
February 12, 2025
Data Collection in Marketing Research is a detailed process in which a planned search for all relevant data is made by researcher. Types of Data Primary Data- Primary data is the data which is collected first hand specially for the purpose of study. It is collected for addressing the problem at hand. Thus, primary data […]
Operational CRM is mainly focused on automation, improvement and enhancement of business processes which are based on customer-facing or customer supporting. The main importance of a CRM system lies on how the selling, marketing and service oriented processes are automated, and for which operational CRM systems are embedded with following major automation applications: Marketing automation- […]
Ever since International Retailing started getting recognition in the industry, several academicians as well as Industry experts have tried to come up with exact definition. The attempt to define International Retailing raised a legitimate question as to what exactly the retailers were internationalizing. Unless the correct fact was established, there could be no right definition. […]
A brand is a perception in its consumers’ minds. A strong brand can command a premium price. This power of a brand is measured using a technique of marketing research – Brand Health Survey. Figure: Current health status of some popular brands While checking a brand’s health certain vital aspects are captured such as how […]
There are mainly 4 methods by which we can collect data through the Survey Method Telephonic Interview Personal Interview Mail Interview Electronic Interview Telephonic Interview Telephone Interviewing stands out as the best method for gathering quickly needed information. Responses are collected from the respondents by the researcher on telephone. Advantages of Telephonic Interview It is […]
Various marketing intermediaries are used in transferring the products from the hands of producers to the final consumers or industrial users. These marketing intermediaries carry alternate names such as wholesalers, distributors, retailers, franchised dealers, jobbers, authorised dealers and agents. Such marketing intermediaries compromise the distribution channel. These distribution channels minimize the gap between point of production and point of consumption, and thereby create place, time and possession utilities.
Dristribution Channels perform a crucial role in the successful distribution and marketing of all products. They have various contacts, expertise and wider knowledge of the products. The rapidly growing markets and increasing complexities of distribution have increased the demand and requirement of the distribution channels.
The role of distribution channels can be summarised as follows:
For instance, there are four producers who are targeting to sell their products to four customers. If there is no distribution channel involved, then there will be sixteen transactions involved. But if the producers use distribution channels, then the number of transactions involved will be reduced to eight( four from producer to intermediary and four from intermediary to customer), and thereby the transportation costs and efforts will also be reduced.
Due to the presence of distribution channels(wholesalers and retailers), it is possible for a consumer to buy the required products at right time from a store conveniently located(geographically closer) rather than ordering from a far located factory. Thus, these intermediaries break the bulk and meet the less quantity demand of the customers.
When a customer goes to a retail shop, he/she may be fascinated by the attractive display of some new product, may get curious about that new product, and may switch over to that new product leaving his/her regular product. Thus merchandising activities of the intermediaries serve as a quiet seller at a retail store.
Thus, the distribution channels are a vital constituent of a firm’s comprehensive marketing strategy. They assist in expanding product reach and availability, as well in increasing revenue.
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