Cost Estimate and Accounting in ERP
February 12, 2025
The Importance of Trust in Building Successful Companies and Great Nations Recently the former Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, made an impassioned plea for building trust among the economic agents and between the citizenry as that would have a salutary effect on the country’s economy. In a hard hitting article, Dr. Singh, decried […]
After the Japanese wave of business process management came the concept of Business Process Re-engineering which rocked the world of BPM. The idea of BPM and the resultant benefits have been mentioned below: What about Those Companies That Did Not Change As said earlier, the Japanese companies were able to understand the dimension of time […]
Any inventory of Raw materials, finished goods as well as Intermediate in process inventory has an economic value and is considered an asset in the books of the company. Accordingly any asset needs to be managed to ensure it is maintained properly and is stored in secure environment to avoid pilferage, loss or thefts etc. […]
The concept of insurance came about in the business field to cover the risk of loss of assets due to natural and manmade disasters as well as other calamities. In the current times, Organizations especially those which are dependant heavily on IT systems have begun to look at preventive steps as well as plan for […]
Historic Debt Deal The Greek Debt Crisis is over, so proclaimed Finance Ministers from the Eurozone Countries who gathered in Brussels, on June 21st in talks that went into the early hours of the day. By saying so, they paved the way for Greece to emerge from a nearly decade long bailout process wherein it […]
ERP systems are complex, time consuming and expensive. Instances of failure of ERP projects abound including some high ticket failures such as Hershey, (largest chocolate maker of USA), where a SAP implementation was abandoned after three years. There are various “Dos” and “Dont’s” effecting success or failures of an ERP implementation. Some of critical success factors, needing focused initiative, are appended below:
Critical failure factors: Critical factors for failure may be defined as contrary to critical success factors. Some specific concerns of failures are mentioned below:
Success and failure factors encompass pre-implementation planning, phases of implementation and managing post implementation scenario. There are many instances of failures resulting bitter legal battle with the vendor. Although vendor plays an important role, organisations are mostly responsible for success or otherwise of the project.
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