Corporate Meetings
February 12, 2025
An impressive personality goes hand in hand with good communication for an effective negotiation. A charming personality is the key to an effective negotiation. Let us understand how one’s personality traits help in an effective negotiation. During negotiations an individual must try to be himself. One should not fake things or pretend to be good. […]
Sequence of unwanted events leading to uncertainty at the workplace is called as crisis. Crisis leads to major disturbances at the workplace and creates unrest amongst the employees. Employees must not lose hope during crisis. It is important for them to face inevitable threats with courage, determination and smile. Let us go through various ways […]
Sequence of sudden unwanted events leading to major disturbances at the workplace is called crisis. Crisis arises on an extremely short notice and triggers a feeling of fear and uncertainty in the employees. It is essential for the superiors to sense the early signs of crisis and warn the employees against the same. Once a […]
The dissimilarity in the ideas and opinions of individuals result in a conflict. One needs to adjust with each other to some extent to avoid conflicts and better relations. Conflicts and fights must be prevented to avoid its adverse consequences like stress, anxiety and unnecessary tensions. Communication has a big role to play in conflict […]
Why is Change Resisted ? Any change anywhere, be it among nations, organizations, societies, or even families is hard to actualize given the human tendency to not step out of the “comfort zone” and hence, resist new ways of doing things and instead, cling on to the status quo. The change is harder in those […]
While writing to a friend, colleague, client, or a business partner, the content must be clear, concise, persuasive, accurate, and confident. Read on to know some tips for making the letter/memo/presentation worthwhile.
For e.g. “I wanted to bring to your notice that the meeting has been cancelled”. [10 words] This sentence could be rephrased as “Please note the meeting has been cancelled”. [7 words]
For e.g. “Tips on Effective Writing for Business” conveys to the reader that the message content will be related to information on effective writing.
For e.g. If a company has set up a videoconference room, the Corporate communication Team should sent out the first message announcing the launch, the second message on how to use the equipment, and the third message on how to block the conference room for client meetings and calls.
For e.g. Rather than saying, “There will be two ways for calculating the cost.” The sender of the message could say, “Financial Analysts can choose one of two procedures to calculate the cost.”
For e.g. In case you are following up on a report you asked for, address the audience as “Thank You X, Y, Z for sending the reports. We are still awaiting reports from A, B, and C. Request you to send them latest by 4:00 PM today.”
Happy Writing....!
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