Corporate Meetings
February 12, 2025
When Hope Meets Reality: What Happens to Leaders once they are Elected We often elect political leaders who promise the moon thinking that they have the answer to all our problems and that they would deliver us the necessary outcomes. We also fall for their visions that are hopeful and believe that they have a […]
Personality refers to an individual’s way of interacting with people around; his behavior towards others, attitude, thought process and way of perceiving things. It is the personality of an individual which makes him/her unique and stand apart from the rest. Let us now understand the meaning of Personality disorders Personality disorders refer to certain abnormalities […]
Ceding insurance companies take reinsurance in order to protect themselves from massive losses that may occur when catastrophes occur. The problem is that when these catastrophic events do occur, the maximum limit of the reinsurance contract is breached. As a result, ceding insurers may find themselves without any coverage in the middle of the year. […]
The process of learning is continuous which starts right from the time of birth of an individual and continues till the death. We all are engaged in the learning endeavours in order to develop our adaptive capabilities as per the requirements of the changing environment. For a learning to occur, two things are important: The […]
Interpersonal relationship refers to a strong association among employees either working together in the same team or same organization. Employees must get along well for a positive and healthy ambience at the workplace. Let us go through some tips to improve interpersonal relationship at workplace. Do not treat office as your home. There is a […]
While writing to a friend, colleague, client, or a business partner, the content must be clear, concise, persuasive, accurate, and confident. Read on to know some tips for making the letter/memo/presentation worthwhile.
For e.g. “I wanted to bring to your notice that the meeting has been cancelled”. [10 words] This sentence could be rephrased as “Please note the meeting has been cancelled”. [7 words]
For e.g. “Tips on Effective Writing for Business” conveys to the reader that the message content will be related to information on effective writing.
For e.g. If a company has set up a videoconference room, the Corporate communication Team should sent out the first message announcing the launch, the second message on how to use the equipment, and the third message on how to block the conference room for client meetings and calls.
For e.g. Rather than saying, “There will be two ways for calculating the cost.” The sender of the message could say, “Financial Analysts can choose one of two procedures to calculate the cost.”
For e.g. In case you are following up on a report you asked for, address the audience as “Thank You X, Y, Z for sending the reports. We are still awaiting reports from A, B, and C. Request you to send them latest by 4:00 PM today.”
Happy Writing....!
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