Strategies to Improve Employee Relations
February 12, 2025
What is Job Rotation and How It Can Enhance Organizational Effectiveness Job Rotation or the practice of moving employees between various projects in organizations can enhance organizational and employee effectiveness. By ensuring that employees do not stagnate or remain stuck in a particular project for extended periods of time, organizations can actualize motivated and inspired […]
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The relationship among the employees plays an important role in deciding the fate of the organization. Employees must respect each other and come to each other’s help whenever required and look forward towards achieving the organization’s targets.
If the employees do not enjoy a healthy relationship among themselves, problems are bound to arise and ultimately their productivity decreases.
Let us go through the after effects of a poor employee relationship:
Imagine a situation where you are constantly fighting with your siblings at home. Would you ever feel comfortable ? - The answer is no. In the same way if one is involved in constant arguments with his fellow workers, he would never feel like stepping into the office. One needs to have friends at work for him to stay motivated in the organization. No individual can work for 8-9 hours at a stretch. He needs a break and people around for him to relax.
Employee retention becomes a major problem when employees do not share a warm relationship with others as well as the management. An organization invests so much of its time in training the new joinees so that they come at par with the other existing employees and it’s really sad when the employees leave midway.
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