Creativity and Entrepreneurship
February 12, 2025
After having read lots of stuff about participative management and its implementation, lots of questions arise in the mind of the reader. Is participative management really beneficial? What are the pros and cons? What are the challenges involved in implementation? What effect does it have upon ROI, after all change comes at a cost! These […]
Participative management acts as a force to motivate employees to meet specific organizational goals. The main idea behind this style of management is not only using physical capital but also making optimum utilization of intellectual and emotional human capital. This is the process of involving people in decision making process to ensure that everyone’s psychological […]
Although the business environment has been endlessly experiencing negative changes such as economic downsizing and restructuring resulting in fewer hierarchical positions but at the same time the need for improving productivity while keeping a pace with continuously changing technology has also increased. Organizations, therefore, instead of hiring a new individual from the market prefer to […]
Excessive Executive Pay is the Problem In recent years, the topic of excessive executive pay has been at the forefront of efforts to promote good corporate governance. This is because there have been understandable and genuine concerns about this aspect, which is leading to, some effects on the governance structures of companies. For instance, the […]
Most of the organizations adopt a systems approach towards maintaining work-life balance. The systems approach primarily lay too much of stress on procedures, policies of the organization and benefits for addressing the issues related with work and life balance. But the system’s approach has its own limitations, as it ignores several important criticalities since work-life […]
Employee development is an ongoing process which helps employees to enhance their skills and knowledge to contribute more effectively towards the organization. Remember you are not paid for simply coming to office and leaving on time. You really need to perform exceptionally well to stand apart from the rest. It is essential for employees to upgrade their knowledge with time to survive the changing environment and fierce competition at the workplace.
Employee development process begins from Day one when an individual joins an organization. You really do not have to wait for annual appraisals to implement the employee development plan. Induction and orienting new employees are also effective ways of employee development.
Understand why do you need employee development plan ?
Employee development plans prepare an employee for his current as well as future assignments and make him loyal and dedicated towards the organization.
An employee should feel comfortable even on his/her first day of work. Performance begins on the very first day an employee steps into an organization. Make sure induction programs are meaningful and not just a mere formality.
Orientation programs must acquaint the employee with the policies and procedures, rules and regulations of the organization. Design key responsibility areas of an individual in lines with his educational qualification, background, past experience, specialization and areas of interest. Provide him manuals, brochures or employee handbooks which an individual can take back home for future reference.
Team managers or reporting bosses ideally should spend some quality time with the new employee to orient him to the organization. Do not overload him with unnecessary information. Trust me, he will never come back. Job expectations must be communicated to the employees the very first day itself. Be open for any feedbacks or queries. Ask the new member to have lunch with his fellow workers. Let him be familiar with his team members. After all he has to work with them.
Managers ought to give regular feedbacks to employees. Performance appraisals or promotions should not come as a surprise to employees. Be very transparent with your employees. Give them a clear picture of their current performance and growth chart in the organization.
There are two types of employee development Plans:
Such employee development plans are created to help individuals in their career growth. In such a plan, a team manager sits with his team members and designs growth plans with specific deadlines as to when the development goals can be accomplished. It is essential to give deadlines to employees for them to take trainings and employee development activities seriously. Employees are encouraged to attend training sessions, seminars, conferences to acquire new skills and knowledge.
Managers design a performance improvement plan also called as PIP and create an action plan to help employees improve their performance. Employees are trained not only for their professional development but also for their personal growth. Initiatives are taken to improve behavioral skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills which would help them in the long run.
The most crucial stage is the implementation stage when employee development plans are put in action. Follow ups are crucial. Discuss even the minutest problem which might prevent the successful implementation of employee development plan. Do not leave any query unattended. It would bother you later.
Progress of employees need to be measured to find out how employee development plans are benefitting the employees. Find out whether employee development plans are actually helping employees in their career growth or not? Are you getting appreciated by the management for your extraordinary performance? Do not forget to celebrate your success.
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