Creativity and Entrepreneurship
February 12, 2025
Definition of Performance Management The role of HR in the present scenario has undergone a sea change and its focus is on evolving such functional strategies which enable successful implementation of the major corporate strategies. In a way, HR and corporate strategies function in alignment. Today, HR works towards facilitating and improving the performance of […]
The Importance of Soft Skills to Hiring Managers When organizations desire to hire employees for job openings, there are usually a set of criteria that they use to make the hiring decisions. For instance, apart from the technical skills and the aptitude of the applicants, hiring managers also look at how presentable the applicant is […]
Typically a career involves a growth path which takes an individual to a higher position in the organizational hierarchy over a certain period of time. It is called the career ladder or the career path. Most of the organisations map out various steps in the lifetime of an organisation in advance. This is done to […]
Job evaluation as evident from the word itself aims at evaluating the job and not the person. It is a process of evaluating and determining the value of the job for an organisation. The evaluation is always in relative and not absolute terms. The idea is evaluate a certain job against other jobs in the […]
Organizations tend to work collectively. Ideas tend to come to individuals within the organization. However, they need to be spread across the organization. Any change only takes place if several people in key positions believe that the idea is good enough. This is where a business case comes in handy. Executives from all departments in […]
Employee Development refers to steps taken by an organization to enhance the skills of an employee and motivate him/her to acquire new knowledge and leanings.
Employee development activities upgrade an individual’s existing knowledge, sharpen his/her skills and also prepare him/her to take up new opportunities in the future.
As a result of trainings and employee development activities, employees face adverse conditions, unforeseen situations and challenges with a smile.
No amount of trainings would help unless and until an employee realizes the value. An individual must understand as to why trainings are being organized? Remember, no organization would like to spend its money on non productive activities or something which would neither help the employees nor the employer. Your manager would not know what all new skills you need to learn? The success of employee development plan to a large extent depends on the employee itself.
Organizations must encourage their employees to think about their growth chart in the organization and how would they achieve the same ? Each employee should be aware of his/her roles and responsibilities and how can he/she contribute more effectively towards the organization.
It is always better if employees come up with their own development plans and what all new they would wish to learn for them to become versatile.
Human resource professionals can prepare various questionnaires which can be circulated among employees to know their opinion. Let your employees suggest you activities which will help them develop further.
The questionnaire can have basic questions like:
Such questions help the management know the current position of an employee and what all areas he needs to be groomed and trained ?
Once you have a rough-cut idea of what your employees expect out of you, start preparing development plans. A common development plan would not work out for all employees’. Every employee is different.
Organize various internal as well as external trainings keeping in mind the employee’s requirements and how the training program would benefit him/her. Design the training programs in line with the organization’s needs and demands. Encourage employees to sit with an open mind and interact with the trainer as much as they can. Mere one way communication makes the training boring and nothing productive can be derived out of it.
Encourage employees to work in teams. Individuals do train their counterparts on jobs. Ask individuals to train their fellow workers. This would not only train other employees but also make the trainer proficient.
Motivate employees to learn from each other. Allow employees to discuss their work on an open forum once in a week. Such activities help in information and knowledge sharing.
Employers must sit with their employees to understand how certain jobs can be redesigned for an increased output. Let employees come out with innovative ideas. Acknowledge and appreciate their new concepts and suggestions.
Give additional responsibilities to employees. Ask them to represent their teams, prepare reports, track their team’s performances and so on. Make them accountable for their team’s performance or new processes. Let them take charge.
Let employees assist their managers in day to day work. Team leaders can take their team members for business meetings or crucial deals once in a while. Taking them out for meetings and providing them the chance of interacting with clients will give them the necessary exposure.
You need to keep a track of what your employees are up to? Proper feedbacks are essential. Sit with your employees after each quarter and review their performances.Give them necessary suggestions as to how they can improve their performance. If they have not performed well once, do not shout on them or demotivate them.
Trust your employees. Make them feel that you are there with them. Don’t always count their mistakes; rather appreciate them whenever they do something extraordinary. Support your employees to expect loyalty in return.
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