Corporate Corruption and the HRM Function: Legal, Ethical, and Moral Perspectives
February 12, 2025
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Ask yourself the importance of a chocolate or a muffin to motivate your child to finish his homework or clean his room. Same way, the rewards and recognition can prove to be extremely beneficial to keep your employees motivated to perform extraordinary, achieve the targets and stick to the organization.
The power of employee recognition can not be underestimated especially when they have thousands of lucrative opportunities in front of them.
Who doesn’t want to attract, hire and retain the best talents of the industry?
Why not explore the new ways to foster employee motivation and drive them to achieve their targets then?
After all an organization’s performance is directly related to the performance of its human resources. This is a simple logic; if you make their day, they make your organization.
Employee rewards and recognition system is not just a positive thing to do with people but communicating it effectively is an efficient tool in encouraging them to create and bring business for you. Treating your employees like your assets and maintaining harmonious relationships with them doesn’t only yield business in present but also an effective strategy for future. Employers and management need to be pro-active to develop a talented and dedicated workforce that can take you to your goals.
Fulfilling employees’ needs, recognizing their efforts and presenting them with monetary and non-monetary rewards help you create a right workforce for your organization that can be your partner in success. Recognition of their efforts and boosting their morale results in increased productivity and decreased attrition rate. It is a proven fact that the motivated and dedicated workforce can change the fate of a company.
After all, human effort is the biggest contributing factor in success of any organization. It is just next to impossible to achieve organizational goals only by the efforts of top management. It’s the workforce who executes their plans and helps them achieve their financial as well as non-financial aims.
Establishing and implementing a reward system needs careful analysis of the company policies and procedures. Deciding how to recognize employees’ efforts and what to provide them requires thorough analysis of responsibilities and risks involved in a particular job.
Reward system of an organization should also be in alignment with its goals, mission and vision. Depending upon the job profile, both monetary and non-monetary rewards can encourage employees to contribute more to the organization.
A combination of monetary and non-monetary rewards can work wonders and drive employees to perform well continuously. A proper and efficient employee reward and recognition program can establish harmonious relationships between employees and employer.
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