Employer Etiquette - Codes of Conduct necessary for an Employer

Etiquette refers to good manners essential for individuals to earn respect and appreciation in the society. An individual who lacks etiquette is never taken seriously by fellow workers at work.

Employer Etiquette

Employer Etiquette refers to codes of conduct necessary for an employer to follow in order to set an example for employees. Employers must behave in an appropriate way for the employees to respect them and look up to them.

Let us go through some employer etiquette:

  • Respect your employees. Never misbehave with them.

  • Avoid being partial towards anyone. Treat all your employees as one irrespective of their level in the hierarchy, educational qualification, caste, race or family background. Do not give special treatment to an employee just because he is your family friend. Personal relationships must not be mixed with professional commitments.

  • Do not ask for special favours from any of your employees. Do not ask any of your staff members to book your movie tickets or drop your son to school.

  • Help your employees whenever required. Employees must be able to fall back on their employer at the times of crisis.

  • Never encourage nasty politics at the workplace. Take strict action against employees indulged in unproductive tasks.

  • Motivate your employees. Appreciate those who perform exceptionally well. Give them a pat on their backs for their good work. Encourage them to work in teams to extract the best out of each of them.

  • Give the employees their due credit. Reward them with incentives and certificates. Get their names displayed on notice boards. Appreciate them whenever they perform well.

  • It is essential to be transparent with the employees. Never hide anything from them.

  • Be realistic. Give them proper feedback and show them the real picture.

  • Treat the employees well for them to feel indispensable for the organization.

  • Salaries must be credited to their salary account on time.

  • Employers must lend a sympathetic ear to the employees’ grievances. Try your level best to resolve them immediately. Any problem left unattended in the beginning can become a major concern later on.

  • Promote necessary training programs to upgrade the existing skills of the employees.

  • Make yourself available to your employees. An employer’s role is not only to sit in closed cabins but to interact with his employees and find out what they are upto.

  • Monitor their performances but do not interfere in their work. Give them deadlines and let them work in their own way. Do not be after their life to get the work done.

  • Be friendly with your employees. The Hitler approach does not work now a days. Have your lunch with them once in a week and try to enquire about their family, married life, children and so on. Such informal interactions bring employees closer to their employers.

  • An employer does enjoy some liberty but one should try his level best to adhere to the company’s guidelines and policies. Try to reach work on time. Be an idol for your employees.

  • Never indulge in loose talks at workplace. Respect your female employees and don’t ask them to stay at the office till late hours.

  • If any of your employees has confided in you, keep it to yourself only. Do not share it with others.

  • Remember respect is always earned and never demanded. Speak politely and dress smartly. Set trends for others to follow.

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