Common Barriers to the Successful Functioning of High-Performing Teams
February 12, 2025
The All Pervasive Technology and the Inevitability of Technology Driven Decision Making Technology is all around us. Wherever we look and whatever we search for, chances are that we cannot escape the overarching and overweening presence of tech in our careers and personal lives. Indeed, technology has become so pervasive that it is impossible for […]
In the previous articles, we have already studied what a catastrophe is and how it impacts the reinsurance market. Catastrophe modeling as well as other techniques have been used to try to predict catastrophes more accurately. However, they still end up causing a lot of economic loss to the reinsurance market. Over the years, companies […]
Nervous system protects our body from various dangers by following a sequence of interpretation and reaction to the stimuli. Endocrine system secretes chemicals called hormones throughout our body which influence our feelings, moods and behaviour. Endocrine system is composed of glands which is a group of cells that secrete hormones. Various glands perform various functions […]
A single brain sometimes is not capable of taking critical decisions alone. An individual needs the support and guidance of others to come out with an effective solution. When individuals come together on a common platform with a common objective of accomplishing a task, a team is formed. Ideally the team members should be from […]
While the Aristotle model of communication puts the speaker in the central position and suggests that the speaker is the one who drives the entire communication, the Berlo’s model of communication takes into account the emotional aspect of the message. Berlo’s model of communication operates on the SMCR model. In the SMCR model S – […]
All individuals with a similar attitude and interest come together on a common platform to form a team. It is not always that an individual alone is capable of doing a task; sometimes he needs the guidance and suggestions of others as well. You need a team to accomplish a complicated task where every team member can perform something or the other as per his capability and contribute equally for the maximum output.
To extract the best out of a team requires not only hard work but also intelligence. Do not impose things on your team members; let them accept responsibilities on their own.
It is the responsibility of the team leader to delegate responsibilities as per the team member’s interest and specializations. Understand your team members well and assign them work they can best perform. Never be partial to any of your team members. Do not support anyone just because he is a friend.
It is okay if your team members leave for the day a little early as compared to other days. Don’t be too harsh on your team members. Allow them to take leaves in case of genuine reasons. Don’t adopt a “Hitler” approach at work. Be a little more understanding.
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