What is Customer Satisfaction ?
February 12, 2025
E Commerce is growing day by day in both B2B and B2C context. Retailing industry including Fashion Retail and Grocery retailing have caught on to the bandwagon and have begun to offer E trading or Online Shopping. In the early 1990s we saw Companies setting up websites with very little understanding of E Commerce and […]
Research can be categorized either on the basis of technique (surveys, experiments, observation studies, etc) or on the basis of purpose. We will look at the techniques in the subsequent chapters. Now let us focus on the 3 methods of doing Marketing Research based on purpose: Exploratory As the name implies, exploratory research is the […]
In CRM the alphabet ‘R’ means relationship. But there is always an ambiguity to understand the actual meaning of this relationship. This relationship between supplier and customer is not a personal relationship or a one-time transaction relationship; for example buying a refrigerator from a consumer’s outlet would not be called as a relationship. Relationship between […]
Following are the main limitations of Marketing Research: Marketing Research (MR) is not an exact science though it uses the techniques of science. Thus, the results and conclusions drawn upon by using MR are not very accurate. The results of Marketing Research (MR) are very vague as MR is carried out on consumers, suppliers, intermediaries, […]
Online retailing has now become a part of our everyday lives. Companies like Amazon have swooped in from nowhere and have suddenly grown into one of the largest companies in the world today. The online companies took the world by storm. Their growth has been sudden and astronomical. Hence, many big businesses did not get […]
Customer Relationship Management is a strategy which is customized by an organization to manage and administrate its customers and vendors in an efficient manner for achieving excellence in business. It is primarily entangled with following features:
Let it be a newly brought up enterprise or a well established organization the above aspects prove to be of prime importance in dealing with a genuine customer through a well organized CRM system.
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