Benefits of Participative Management
February 12, 2025
Forced bell curve systems are a statistician’s way of looking at the organization. Much like everything else that statisticians do, the forced bell curve is also a mere hypothesis. However, this hypothesis has been largely romanticized and adopted by many companies. In fact about a decade ago, forced bell curve was the norm and companies […]
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Determining Whether you want to be a Big Fish in a Small Pond or Small Fish in a Big Pond Whether you are a fresher or an aspiring professional, or you have established yourself in your career, or are beginning to find your feet in your job, there are some ways in which you can […]
Do you see various shapes in a crumpled ball of paper? Do you see various colours in a drop of oil mixed with water? If your answer is yes, then certainly you value creativity. Creativity is nothing but the process of creating something unique and new. Creativity indeed plays a crucial role in organizations at […]
The problem of retention begins with recruitment! In most of the organizations the recruitment function operates independently of the retention department. HR people have so far been naive to the direct relationship between the two and the resulting increase in employee turnover. It is therefore in the interest of organizations to understand how the hiring […]
Employees have always been bossed around their managers and told what they are supposed to do. They never had the authority to decide things in the company. Gradually, times are changing and employees are encouraged to participate in organization’s decision making process. Management motivates them to come up with ideas and suggestions that can make organizational processes far more efficient. The main idea behind adopting participatory form of management is to work together, achieve targeted goals in minimum possible time and stay ahead of competition.
For some companies, participative management is still a foreign subject. The concept is not widespread and is still restricted to a few organizations. They have such a weird perception towards it that they can’t even picture it working. The management in such companies doesn’t like employees questioning its authority. But the organizations that have successfully adopted this particular style of management they look upon it as a means to achieve their targets and create a sound working environment. The concept is gaining world-wide recognition and popularity day by day.
Some companies still stick to conventional ways of management while others are encouraging employees to contribute to the suggestion box. Let us know about its features and see how participative management can work wonders:
Participative Management is a universally recognized concept but still most organizations hesitate to adopt it. Through this style of management, both the parties, employer and employees, are satisfied. It brings management and employees closer and thus, should be adopted open heartedly.
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