Companys approach to Inventory Health
February 12, 2025
Incompatibility Creates Problems Developments in IT have created more problems than solutions because of the “incompatibility” among the various parts of the supply chain. Information becomes knowledge only when the means to process it is in place and the process does not “distort” the message. Like garbled voices coming over crackling phones in yesteryears, unless […]
China ambitious Belt and Road Initiative has attracted the attention of many economists worldwide. Many of these economists believe that the Belt and Road Initiative is part of China’s vision of a world where America will no longer be the dominant superpower. It is possible that this may be true. China has committed a large […]
Business Process Improvement programs have become the major tools for Organizations to keep working on their internal operations to enhance the operational efficiencies, to implement new processes in line with business requirement and to eliminate redundancies and wastage. When the Organizations used to be managed and run based on hierarchy and centralized decision making, the […]
Implementation of ERP System, is a complex exercise, involving many process alterations and several legacy issues. Organizations need a implementation strategy encompassing both pre implementation and implementation stages. The fallout of a poor strategy is unpreparedness of employees, implementation not in conformity with wider business strategy, poor business process redesign and time and cost overrun. […]
The previous article had touched upon the lack of regulation as a cause for the global financial crisis. This article looks at this aspect in detail. To understand why the lack of regulation was one of the contributory factors for the crisis, one has to view the issue starting with the repeal of the Glass […]
While inventory classification of raw materials for Inventory Management purposes follows ABC Classification, Finished Goods inventory is classified under additional categories based on various attributes including sales volumes/patterns, functional attributes and operational requirements.
Finished Goods at the very basic level is manufactured and stocked separately depending upon the Business Units as well as the Sales Channels.
Global companies normally have plants spread over all continents and manufacture different categories of products. In such cases a particular countries requirement of certain products may be sourced from overseas factories of the company.
Inventory for such imported and bought out items is maintained under separate bucket to be able to identify them easily. Their valuation and costing and profit margins may be different from those of in house manufactured goods.
Further imported Goods would have import duty and tax liabilities, which may be different from that of in house manufactured inventory.
Example: Computers and Desktops are manufactured by Global MNCs like Dell, HP & Lenovo. They have established manufacturing facilities in various countries catering to the local and international markets. Typically they produce few of the SKUS locally and the other products are sourced from overseas facilities. They also buy monitors, keyboard and accessories from OE Suppliers. These are considered bought out items in their inventory l listing.
When a particular SKU is no longer salable due to lack of demand and has become obsolete, it gets classified under obsolete stock and continues to be valued in the books of accounts.
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