Centralization and Decentralization
February 12, 2025
Line and staff organization is a modification of line organization and it is more complex than line organization. According to this administrative organization, specialized and supportive activities are attached to the line of command by appointing staff supervisors and staff specialists who are attached to the line authority. The power of command always remains with […]
There are a few guidelines in form of principles which can be a help to the manager to process of delegation. The principles of delegation are as follows: – Principle of result excepted This principle suggests that every manager before delegating the powers to the subordinate should be able to clearly define the goals as […]
Centralization is said to be a process where the concentration of decision making is in a few hands. All the important decision and actions at the lower level, all subjects and actions at the lower level are subject to the approval of top management. According to Allen, “Centralization” is the systematic and consistent reservation of […]
Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource Planning consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization. Human Resource Planning has got an important place in the arena […]
Organizations are basically clasified on the basis of relationships. There are two types of organizations formed on the basis of relationships in an organization Formal Organization – This is one which refers to a structure of well defined jobs each bearing a measure of authority and responsibility. It is a conscious determination by which people […]
Functional organization has been divided to put the specialists in the top position throughout the enterprise. This is an organization in which we can define as a system in which functional department are created to deal with the problems of business at various levels.
Functional authority remains confined to functional guidance to different departments. This helps in maintaining quality and uniformity of performance of different functions throughout the enterprise.
The concept of Functional organization was suggested by F.W. Taylor who recommended the appointment of specialists at important positions.
For example, the functional head and Marketing Director directs the subordinates throughout the organization in his particular area. This means that subordinates receives orders from several specialists, managers working above them.
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