Executive Pay: The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn’s Arrest
February 12, 2025
A large amount of work needs to be done in the measure phase. This work also has a large impact on the performance of the subsequent phases, hence it is essential that the tollgate deliverables be understood and applied. The activities done in this module set the tone for how the rest of the process […]
The Pugh Matrix is one of the most widely used methods of finding out the best solution once a number of alternate solutions have been generated. The success of the Pugh Matrix is in its simplicity. The tool is not very mathematically intensive and fairly simple to use. However, it has a record of coming […]
“Quality management” ensures superior quality products and services. Quality of a product can be measured in terms of performance, reliability and durability. Quality is a crucial parameter which differentiates an organization from its competitors. Quality management tools ensure changes in the systems and processes which eventually result in superior quality products and services. Quality management […]
The world media was recently rocked by a data breach scandal involving Facebook. This scandal wherein Facebook had allowed a third party named Cambridge Analytica to misuse the information of its users created a ruckus. Various campaigns broke out, and activists wanted to ensure that the integrity of the user’s data was not compromised by […]
Embracing Business Process Improvement program is the ideal way for Organizations to make that leap to the next level and build competitive edge. Implementing a BPI program gives the Organization several direct and indirect benefits and advantages. It helps the Organization get rid of the redundancies, reduce dependence upon people and eliminate wastage as well […]
When we discuss globalization, we often take into account the fact that both countries that are partners in trade benefit from the exchange. What this means is that a country A that specializes in a particular good or service can trade with country B that specializes in another good or service.
In this way, both countries stand to gain as they import the goods that are cheaper to make in the other country and export the goods that are cheaper to make in their countries. This is the classic version of the win-win situation that globalization and free trade bring to the table.
However, this is a simplified explanation of the globalization phenomenon and as the experiences of many countries show, international trade is not linear but a complex activity that is beset with protectionist rhetoric, subsidies to one’s farmers and traders as well as skewed rules and regulations.
The famous cheerleader for globalization and author, Thomas Friedman, in his book The World is Flat argues that globalization is proceeding briskly because of the “flattening of the world”. What he means is that with the advent of information technology and seamless communications, any country in the world that has a pool of educated workers can aspire to jump on to the globalization bandwagon and benefit from the erasing of entry barriers.
The point here is that countries like India have successfully leveraged the power of IT and communications to leapfrog the intermediate stage of manufacturing power that is required for economies to become fully fledged powerhouses.
However, an aspect that has been missing in Friedman’s analysis is the fact that unless a particular person has the minimum required education and access to IT; he or she would not be able to harness the power of globalization.
Even with the flattening of the world, globalization works only for the privileged and denies the benefits to the majority. This is the counter argument to Friedman’s hypothesis about how globalization is a win-win situation.
Of course, this is not to say that globalization has not benefited the world at large. For instance, studies have shown that globalization has succeeded in lifting Millions (if not a Billion) of people out of poverty and has ensured that they live a decent life.
It goes without saying that the benefits of globalization though a bit skewed, have nonetheless reached a large proportion of humanity. Hence, in this context it is fair to say that globalization has indeed been a win-win game instead of being a zero sum game.
Finally, the point needs to be made that like any other economic phenomenon, globalization needs a push and shove from the governments to ensure that there is a level playing field and hence, the process can benefit more if the governments of the world decide to extend a helping hand to the less privileged and thereby ensuring that they are able to climb the ladder through which they can participate in the process.
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