Change Management and Organizations
February 12, 2025
IN addition to functions covered by technical modules such as user’s management, License management, installation (as discussed in earlier papers), ERP technical module provides several other important functionalities. Some of these functionalities, as given below, will be very briefly discussed in this paper: Audit management Device management Text management Job management Audit management: Large organizations […]
While coming up with operational metrics one must not forget to begin by first clarifying and defining what they mean. This is because there is a good chance that there may be ambiguity regarding what the metric really means. To better understand how to come up with operational definitions, the following procedure must be followed. […]
Introduction The role of information technology and systems is to improve productivity of organization. Information systems are deployed across functional department of organization. The Marketing Function In broader terms, marketing is defined as a process through which organizations are able to deliver products and services as per the need of the customers. Organizations conduct market […]
There are various ways in defining an Enterprise Resource Planning System. This is how it has been defined by American Inventory and Production Control System (APICS) dictionary: “Enterprise Resource Planning: An accounting oriented information system for identifying and planning the enterprise-wide resources to make, ship and account for customer orders.” Again in Internet encyclopedia, it […]
Facebook is one of the most important firms in the American economy. The tech giant is a major employer in the United States. Its actions have a profound economic impact across the globe. This is the reason behind the hefty valuation that Facebook commands. However, this valuation and the entire business model came under siege […]
It is very interesting to study how Organizations and Businesses grow, evolve, change, mature and also decline over a period of time.
Organizations are very similar to living entities that respond, react and evolve in relation to the external and internal environment that surrounds them. The survival and growth is entirely dependent upon the continuous exchange of the external and internal environment that keeps happening all the time.
History tells us of how trade became the key driving factor that pushed the throne of England to colonize the world. Post World War II, we see the industrial revolution changing the face of people’s life.
From agriculture and trade, the advanced economies moved on to focusing on mass production and distribution. The world has seen tremendous progress being made in manufacturing processes. Then came, the quality revolution that brought about the concept of process control, statistical controls and product quality.
If you study the evolution of Organizations and Businesses, you will see that the Organizations were based on conservative and hierarchical principles with the clear distinction and demarcation of white collar and blue collar workers etc.
The Organizational theories centered around span of control, hierarchical structure and departmentalization of activities. The division of labor, manual systems and paper based documentation and control being used to manage the business processes can be seen in the times following the industrialization. This kind of Organizational structure tended to be based on individual ownership and family owned enterprises. Profit maximization was and has been the main motive of the business owners.
With introduction of computer and internet technology, the manufacturing and accounting processes and procedures underwent changes. Aided by manufacturing resource planning and quality, the product quality and production processes became competitive and efficient.
At this stage the Organizations did were still not looking at employee welfare and business processes. The emphasis on quality, control of processes to maintain quality brought about a focus on Customer.
Slowly the businesses began to realize the importance of the customer being the most important factor governing their business and thus began to orient the entire production processes towards Zero Defect Product and Customer Satisfaction through superior Product Quality. All along, the businesses have been focusing on profit maximization and aligned the rest of their initiatives and business decisions around profit maximization alone.
With technological revolution and globalization we have entered into a totally different sphere. The business Organizations that were owner or family driven and controlled have had to fade out and give way to professional management that manages the business through business processes where the processes guide and assist the people in managing the businesses and they are not dependent upon specific individuals and people.
In recent times we see the evolution of Multi National Organizations who’s span of control over global markets necessitates setting up of business entities in almost all nations and managing workforces involving thousands of people of different nationalities.
What sustains these global giants and Corporate Companies like Xerox, 3M, GE, Dell, HP and IBM etc is the fact that they are established their businesses globally and have embraced business processes to manage their businesses.
These companies have invested in building technology and processes using technology and establishes standardized business processes across all countries to sustain their organizations, with the result that they are able to recruit and manage thousands of people and establish bigger enterprise with larger outputs to cater to global markets.
It is not the people and the management that sustains these Organizations, but their business processes based on technology, driven and based on the vision and values that have been envisioned by the Senior management.
We can very clearly see the de-linking of ownership and management in such Organizations. Structure of ownership too has changed from individual and family ownership to share holder and holding based investor ship. The management has been professionalized. Such structure has lead to a change of focus from profit making to building system and value based Organizations with Customer as the key focus.
By investing on business processes, the managements have been able to build sustainable organizational base and capture larger markets as well as build loyal customer base. They have embarked on a new journey and changed the way the Organizations function, their approach to the markets as well as their approach to the customer.
Those who have focused on their internal business processes have realized that they are able to deliver and exceed customer expectation and achieve larger growth in dynamic markets. Larger profits have naturally followed and accrued.
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