Commonly Used Terms in Derivative Market
February 12, 2025
Public private partnership is a widely used model when it comes to infrastructure financing. However, it needs to be understood that not all public private partnerships end successfully. In some cases, the partnership ends in a default. This means that either one of the parties’ viz. the private party or the public party are unable […]
The global payments processing market is dominated by only two major players viz. MasterCard and Visa. Many experts find this perplexing. How is it possible that in the era of global competition, there is a market niche which is completely dominated by two players only? What makes it even more interesting is the fact that […]
In the previous articles we discussed about what derivative contracts are and what are the uses of such contracts? However, one important point needs to be noticed. Today, if a new person wants to buy a derivative contract, they will be bewildered at the sheer amount of choice that they will have at their disposal. […]
The modern banking system is considerably different from what the average person believes it to be. Banks are not institutional moneylenders. They do not simply collect money from people and lend them to others. Instead, banks in the modern world have the power to create money when they lend it out. The process by which […]
Corporate finance is one of the most important subjects in the financial domain. It is deep rooted in our daily lives. All of us work in big or small corporations. These corporations raise capital and then deploy this capital for productive purposes. The financial calculations that go behind raising and successfully deploying capital is what […]
Money laundering is a heinous crime. Although it does not directly lead to loss of human lives, it allows money to reach the hands of wrong individuals. The proceeds from money laundering end up in the hands of gangsters, warlords, drug dealers and terror groups. No financial institutions would want to enable such transactions. However, many times hedge funds unwittingly become part of such transactions. In this article, we will understand how hedge funds can identify and avoid dealing with money launderers.
Hedge funds are requested to take a declaration from their clients verifying that the money being invested has not been realized as a result of criminal or illegal activities. Also, hedge funds are required to ask their customers to give a declaration that their name does not feature on the list of high risk investors. In case their name appears on such a list, hedge funds are instructed to not accept money from them.
For instance A makes an investment in a hedge fund and while withdrawing the amount asks for the money to be deposited in B’s account. B then makes a separate investment and while withdrawing gets the money credited to C’s account. This process is repeated several times until a huge web of transactions is created to obscure the relationship between the sender and the receiver. To counter this problem, hedge funds must ensure that they only transfer money back to the same entity or person who invested with them. When people ask for their interests to br transferred to third parties that should be a definite red flag and must raise an alarm.
Hedge funds must therefore be very careful as to whom they accept money from. Failure to know the background of their customers is likely to get these funds involved in major legal hassles. Although, they are free from most regulations, they still have to be careful to not be part to felonies like money laundering.
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