Executive Pay: The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn’s Arrest
February 12, 2025
Once the Scatter plot has been used to find out the correlation between the inputs being measured as well as the desired outputs, it is now time to come up with an equation which shows the precise relationship. This is called Regression. Regression is a technique which summarizes the relationships observed in the Scatter plot […]
Innovation is and has always been at the center of all human endeavors. People those who are able to perform more complex tasks with relatively fewer resources have often captured world markets and gained the maximum wealth. Every economic textbook acknowledges the value of innovation. It also explains how the printing press made scribes obsolete […]
The Race to the Bottom and the Game of Attrition in the Indian eCommerce Sector Much like the broader Indian Economy, which at the moment is the fastest growing major economy in the world, the Indian eCommerce sector is on a roll. While initially, Flipkart and a few other eCommerce firms ruled the roost, the […]
An economy consists of many sectors. However, infrastructure is known to be the backbone of any economy. Roads, railways, electricity, and banking services are the very bedrock on which the modern economy grows. Until and unless a nation has robust infrastructure, any other industry will find it difficult to grow and prosper. In this article, […]
International trades between countries and across continents have existed for centuries including previous civilizations. Traditionally international trade consisted of traded goods like textile, food items, spices, precious metals, precious stones, and objects of art and various items across the borders. Everybody has heard of the silk route as well as amber road and other famous […]
5G is the latest buzzword in the telecommunication sector. For a layman, it is difficult to understand what the buzz really is all about. Modern-day consumers have lived through the introduction of 3G and 4G. They believe that 5G will just be a minor enhancement over the way things are currently functioning now.
However, that would be an inaccurate assumption. According to experts, 5G is not a minor enhancement. In fact, it is quite the opposite, 5G is a technological revolution. The difference between 4G and 5G is the same as the difference between a typewriter and a computer. It is important to understand that 5G is a paradigm shift because it is not only about a network. Instead, it is about an ecosystem of devices and sensors which can be intelligently connected in order to overhaul business and economic policy.
The seamless connectivity that 5G promises to provide will change the business ecosystem forever. Business, as we know it, will change after the introduction of 5G. There are some industries which will see positive effects as a result of this change whereas there are others which will be negatively affected. In this article, we will have a closer look at the industries which will face this change.
The industries that will be positively affected by this change are as follows:
Some industries suffer whenever technological changes of this magnitude take place. Some groups of people who will be negatively affected as a result of this change have been listed.
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