Cultural Aspects of Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions
February 12, 2025
Globalization has given impetus of international trade which is increasing by the day. International trade involves multiple agencies, transportation agents, carriers as well as Customs and Banks etc of the two countries involved in trade. Any Export or Import transaction involves transportation of goods predominantly via sea or air and in some cases over the […]
How the Growth at all Costs Mantra is Harming Us Ever since the time of the Enlightenment in the Nineteenth Century, the world has been chasing growth and more growth in all aspects of economic and social as well as political spheres. While it is natural for nations and firms following the capitalist model of […]
Profitable Tourism and the Implications for Corporates and Societies It is a known fact that Tourism is a money spinner for any country that has abundant tourist destinations. The market for worldwide tourism runs into the Billions of Dollars and all nations are eager to grab as much market share as possible. Further, Tourism is […]
Managing Business operations in current times is a big challenge. Apart from having to keep looking at the bottom lines and market shares, the managements have another major are to be concerned about which is to continually keep assessing the risk to the business from all quarters and build Disaster Recovery plan in place. It […]
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans help Organizations stay on the course, minimize their risk to business operations and limit the losses incurred in the event of a crisis or disaster. The planned approach helps define what is required to be done to resume business operations during an emergency situation. An effective plan would entail […]
At the start of the 1970s a widely held belief in the United States and in Europe was about how there were no markets outside of their regions. The implication was that the Third World countries were not worthy of foreign investment as they were steeped in backwardness, immersed in poverty, and unable to produce anything of value.
The realization that these third world countries were now transforming themselves into emerging markets started in the 1980s, which began to attract the attention of a few interested investors like George Soros and Warren Buffett.
This trickle of foreign investment into the emerging markets turned into a flow by the time the 1980s ended and indeed, by the end of the millennium, it had turned into a flood. There are many reasons why the emerging markets attracted a lot of attention and some of them would be discussed here.
The first and foremost reason why the emerging market companies attracted foreign capital was because these companies focused on competing globally instead of only locally. Unlike the western companies that primarily started out as local based ones and then to tap the raw materials turned into foreign conquerors, the emerging market companies from the very outset set their sights on the global stage.
Next, these emerging market companies ensured that they diversified into as many markets as they could by bolstering their presence there and remaining among the top three market gainers in those countries.
The key lesson for western companies here is that these emerging market companies focused on the big picture and on entering as many markets as they could without inhibitions.
The third reason why emerging markets transformed themselves is that they had the advantage of demography.
In other words, as many of their workers were young and educated, they could create as many jobs as they could and still have workers vying for employment. Next, the emerging markets opened up their economies to foreign capital in a way that ensured that foreign investors would flock to these countries in droves.
Moreover, the emerging markets grew at a fast pace and the scorching rates of growth contrasted favorably with the growth rates of the stagnant west that was saturated.
The most important reason why emerging markets transformed themselves from backwaters of the global economy to the front-runners was that they invested in human capital by making rapid strides in education, healthcare, and social services.
Finally, the current slowdown has not affected the emerging markets largely as they followed a judicious mix of openness and protection from headwinds and hence, were able to insulate themselves from the vagaries of the global economy. This has added another dimension to the success of the emerging markets as they are now not only fully integrated into the global economy but also able to withstand the shocks and downturns better than the developed countries.
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