Crisis Communication – Meaning, Need and its Process
February 12, 2025
Personal grooming refers to an art which helps individuals to clean and maintain their body parts. Human beings need to wash, clean their body parts to look good and for personal hygiene as well. Personal grooming helps in enhancing an individual’s self esteem and also goes a long way in developing an attractive personality. Personal […]
In the face of the complex and unique virtual work environment, organizations are required to invest in the training and development of virtual team members. This is to ensure success of these virtual project teams in effectively performing their task activities and successfully delivering the project goals. The overall objective of a well-defined training program […]
Managerial communication refers to interaction among managers and their subordinates within an organization. It is essential for managers to communicate with their team members and vice a versa to ensure maximum productivity and peace at workplace. Communication generally takes place as: Downward communication – Flow of information from managers to employees Upward Communication – Flow […]
The Advocacy versus the Activist Role Non-profits around the world typically are divided into those that undertake grassroots activism and those that advocate ideological positions and those that combine these two aspects to work for the betterment of society. This means that many nonprofits like the Red Cross and Oxfam are activist and advocacy oriented […]
Communication in true sense is the lifeline of every organization. Individuals irrespective of their designation and level in the hierarchy need to communicate with each other for accomplishment of work within the stipulated time frame and also for better relationships at workplace. Half of the problems disappear when discussed. It is really essential for people […]
Sequence of unwanted events leading to uncertainty at the workplace is called as crisis. Crisis leads to major disturbances at the workplace and creates unrest amongst the employees.
Employees must not lose hope during crisis. It is important for them to face inevitable threats with courage, determination and smile.
Let us go through various ways to overcome crisis:
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